Chaos Code Characters

Chaos Code: New Sign of Catastrophe is an update to the title adding 2 new characters (Lupinus and Ray) and adds new moves for returning characters. The console version of Chaos Code includes Versus Mode, Training mode, and Gallery mode. Unfortunately, the original PSN version released without an online mode.

Matt Stribling is stuck spending another vacation with his brilliant, yet scatterbrained archaeologist father. When Matt arrives to find the place turned upside down and his father missing, he's not immediately worried. But a cryptic message and strange footprints quickly persuade Matt that all is not right. With the help of some unusual family friends, Matt discovers that Matt Stribling is stuck spending another vacation with his brilliant, yet scatterbrained archaeologist father.

When Matt arrives to find the place turned upside down and his father missing, he's not immediately worried. But a cryptic message and strange footprints quickly persuade Matt that all is not right. With the help of some unusual family friends, Matt discovers that his father had been searching for an ancient code, one rumored to have brought down the Mayans and maybe even the fabled civilization of Atlantis. Now in the hands of a madman, the code is being readied for new and sinister uses. Professor layton and the curious village. Matt and his friend Robin will traverse the globe, battling terrifying sand creatures and mercenaries alike in their efforts to stop the chaos code from being activated-and dooming the modern world to a catastrophe not seen since the days of Atlantis. The Chaos Code:The World UnraveledIf you figured out a way to manipulate the world, how would you use the knowledge?

In The Chaos Code, set in present day Europe, Matt arrives at his dads house to find it in disarray, and Arnold, his dad, missing. He then heads to his aunts house and meets Venture, an old family friend and researcher, and Robin, Ventures daughter who becomes Matts friend.

These three, plus Harper, a rich and famous man, head off to look for the treasure of St. John, where they The Chaos Code:The World UnraveledIf you figured out a way to manipulate the world, how would you use the knowledge? In The Chaos Code, set in present day Europe, Matt arrives at his dad’s house to find it in disarray, and Arnold, his dad, missing. He then heads to his aunt’s house and meets Venture, an old family friend and researcher, and Robin, Venture’s daughter who becomes Matt’s friend. These three, plus Harper, a rich and famous man, head off to look for the treasure of St. John, where they believe Matt’s father will be.

Harper turns against them because he only wants the treasure to control the world, and evidently, he can already control the four elements. Justin Richards brings alive the idea of how mankind can bring itself to ruin in this science fiction novel. One of the themes in The Chaos Code is that too much power can destroy the world because the idea of power can turn anyone evil, it is how Atlantis was destroyed, and Harper was planning on gaining enough knowledge to achieve it.One reason why too much power can destroy the world is because the idea of power can turn anyone evil. An average everyday person named Katherine Feather happens to be in cahoots with Harper. At one point, she pretends to switch back over to Matt’s side, only to betray them and steal their information.

Thus, the reader can almost believe that she really is moral, “‘Thanks for helping us’ Matt said to Katherine as they hurried back to the entrance and out into the sunshine. Like your dad says, there’s a point where money isn’t enough of an excuse. Maybe I’ve just taken it for too long without really thinking’” (264). In this quote, Katherine is playing along just to receive more information for Harper.


She actually would do anything for money.Another example of how why too much power can destroy the world is how the ancient city of Atlantis was d.