Bigfoot Quest Hints

Once they find all 5 items, give the crew the Fire card, and read this next part of the storyline out loud:The villagers love the meal and say thanks by giving you a glowing gem and a strange device. The device has some words written on it: “Temporal Instrument of Many Eras”. What could that mean?Hand players the Glowing Gem and updated T.I.M.E.

This is a complete step-by-step walkthrough guide with help, hints, tips, tricks, answers.

Bravely default cheats. . 'Special Movie' optionHighlight the bottom of the four '?????'

Machine cards. Then narrate:Suddenly, the glowing gem jumps into the device like a magnet and it starts humming. As the noise grows louder, you hear someone yell:Run!

It's a DINOSAUR!Then everything goes white Lead players to the Incan Chocolate room, for Quest 2. Once players complete the jigsaw puzzle, and find the other items, use your best narrator voice to update the story:When you pour the magical talking potion onto the painting it starts to shimmer.' Hello,' says the painting in a beautiful European accent.' It's been so long since I've had a chance to talk to someone', it goes on to say. 'What are you looking for, darlings?' 'I have just the thing,' says the painting, 'It's inside one of these books.

Use those playing cards to work out which page it's hidden in.' When the kids find it narrate:Your heart beats quickly as the key turns inside the T.I.M.E. A robotic voice announces:“Beginning transportation to alternate reality.”Lead players to the Steampunked room for Quest 5. Show the kids the silhouettes on the Quest Goal card, so they know they're trying to find the cartridge and locked box.Once they have completed the gun, give them the card and narrate:Holding your breath, you cautiously fire the Tesla gun at the D.R.I.L. FLASH!Sounds the box as the force field is disabled, revealing a warm superconductor inside.Give players the Warm Superconductor card, and updated T.I.M.E. Machine then continue:With fingers crossed you place the warm superconductor in the device.“Beep. Fast forward activated,” it says, and your vision turns white.Lead players to the Future Hacker room for Quest 6.

Once players find the Power Cable and Future Tech Device give them the Racoon Artificial Intelligence and say:'LOLs, nice 2 meet u. Haven't hand many time travelers com by in a while. Well, come to think of it I'm not sure how long I've been out of charge for.' 'Anyway, if you're like the rest of the 'travelers ' then I'm sure you want to get home. I.could.

help you, if I wasn't hungry. Bring me the right food, in the correct order, and I'll lend a hand. Or at least unlock that box for you.'