Bravely Default Cheats

  • Everything in this guide is based on Normal Mode.
  • (Japanese version only) If you manage to beat the game from beginning to end on Hard mode without switching the difficulty, you will get a special costume for Agnes under Achievements.

First Kingdom Caldisla

Once you have finish seeing the FMV, leave the inn and watch the event.

  • You can save the game by speaking to the Adventurer. They wear a red set of clothing and highlighted with a S symbol on the map.

The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, tricks, and secrets for Bravely Default for Nintendo 3DS.

  • If you intend to register your copy of the game under Square Enix Members, you can unlock free items and costumes on achievements you have successfully accomplished.
  • If you ever get lost in Bravely Default, go to the yellow pointer highlighted in your map. It points to the next destination objective.
  • To learn magic spells, you will need to purchase them from the shop before you can use them.
Item ShopCost
Potion20 PQ
Phoenix Down100 PQ
Antidote10 PQ
Eye Drops20 PQ
Echo Herbs25 PQ
Teleport Stone100 PQ
Magic ShopCost
Cure200 PQ
Poisona200 PQ
Blindna200 PQ
Fire200 PQ
Blizzard200 PQ
Thunder200 PQ
Equipment ShopCostCost
Broad Sword70 PQBronze Helmet40 PQ
Rod60 PQLeather Hat15 PQ
Dagger50 PQPointed Hat20 PQ
Buckler50 PQLeather Armor120 PQ
Linen Clothing20 PQKenpo Gi100 PQ
Linen Cuirass80 PQBronze Glove40 PQ
Bronze Bangle40 PQ

Head north to Caldisla Castle. Speak with the King and leave. Head outside
to the world map and then go northwest to the caves.

Tutorial Quest can be accessed by touching the bulletin board icon on the touch screen. You can earn free items by doing the quest listed on there.

Norende Ravine

Brave and Default Tutorial
Brave:Using the brave command will give you an additional command during your turn. However using the Brave command requires BP, and you will not have your turn back until your BP returns to 0 or higher.
Default:Using the Default command, will put your character into a defensive stance and replenish your BP. Use this command to defend and stock up your BP.
  • Learning how to take advantage of the Brave and Default system is the key on winning battles.
  • Holding the A button during battle will allow you to fast forward battle animation.
Treasure Item Checklist
[ ] PotionTreasure Chest: Nolende Valley 5th Area
[ ] 200 PQTreasure Chest: Nolende Valley 5th Area

Follow the path west until you have reached the end of the valley. There is an adventurer you can speak to near the end. Talk to him and he'll give you a special item 'Strange Hourglass. Head out and watch the event, Agnes will join your party.

Bravely Second is a new feature added to the international version of Bravely Default. With this feature, you can freeze time during battle by consuming SP. This can help you to get out difficult battles. To replenish SP, you need to put your DS in sleep mode. If you need SP instantly it will require actual real life money (Microtransactions). *You can exceed the 9999 damage cap during Bravely Second. To activate Bravely Second, simply press the start button during battle.

Now escape from the valley, you will also be forced into two enemy encounters between grunts. Just deal with them like regular monsters. Once you exit out of the cave you will learn about the Friend Summon function.

In Bravely Default, you are given a function called Friend Summon. By using this command, you can record your own attack, ability and other miscellaneous function to be summon by other players from the Street Pass function and vice versa. To update the street pass, speak to the Adventurer. You can only update the Street Pass once per day.

First Kingdom Caldisla

Once you have return to Caldisla, go to the castle and speak with the King.

You will be given a new function called the Norende Reconstruction. You can
access it by touching the village icon on the left side of your touch screen.

With this function you can reconstruct Nolende village with Streetpass users. Each area can be reconstructed or upgraded after a villager spend a certain amount of time on that area. Doing this will benefit you with new abilites, and items for the Adventurer. *You do not need to be playing Bravely Default to wait for construction time, you can have the DS closed and the time will progress.

Before you head to the next destination, you should equip your characters
with new gear and stock up on healing items. Now head to the world map
and go to the lake at the south east area. Watch the Event and fight the boss.

  • Boss strategy varies between players as each have their own playstyle and job classes. The following boss strategy is based on my methods to win.
Boss BattleHealthStolen ItemItem Drop
Barras LehrNorm: 300
Hard: 405
N/AHi Potion
Holly WhiteNorm: 250
Hard: 337
This is the very first boss battle and it can be a pretty tough one to start. I recommend on taking out Holly first, as she is the support unit, she can cast protect and heal her party. Try to get Holly's HP down to like around 25% or more (70 to 80 HP) and then unleash your brave command and attack her consecutive times to kill her before she can heal herself. Then focus on Barras. Barras can hit very hard after he use his BP along with the Invigorate command to attack. This can deal around 70 to 100 damage depending on your status. Use the Default command to stock up BP and attack Bearing when hes in Negative BP.
  • You will obtain a Monk and White Mage Asterisk. With this you can now class change into different jobs. Each job have their own unique ability and status parameters. For more detail information on each job, read the Job Section on section 5.

Each character can use two sets of job abilities. The primary is
based on your character class and the other is by equipping it on the
ability section on the menu.

  • Ringabel will join your party. He carries the Notebook of D, which contains

informations, terminology of Bravely Default. You can also use it to see
past event scenes and movies.

Ruins of Centro Keep

[ ]Silver GlassesTreasure Chest: 2nd Floor East Side
[ ]Phoenix DownTreasure Chest: 3rd Floor
[ ]Echo HerbsTreasure Chest: 3rd Floor
[ ]Wakeup BellTreasure Chest: 3rd Floor
[ ]Iron KnucklesTreasure Chest: 3rd Floor * Hidden area down south east corner
[ ]Eye DropsTreasure Chest: 3rd Floor
[ ]Mage MasherTreasure Chest: 2nd Floor West Side
[ ]PotionTreasure Chest: 2nd Floor West Side

A lot of the monsters in this dungeon will have poison properties. Cheat tool. I recommend having a White Mage or bring some antidote for this area. The dungeon is pretty straightforward, use the switch lever to open the gate to the next area. Once You reach to the Yellow Exclamation mark, you will fight a boss.

Boss BattleHealthStolen ItemItem Drop
Ominas CroweNorm: 1800
Hard: 2430
Ominas is a pretty tough boss, the good news, Edea joins your party and her damage output is insanely high because of her Ise-no-Kami sword. So spam her brave command and attack Ominas. Use Agnes as a support character and Tiz as another fighter.

Return to Caldisla and enter the castle throne room to see an event. Now leave the kingdom.

From now on, you can use the Deathblow command. Deathblow are special attacks that requires a certain condition before you can use them in battle. Using a deathblow command, will give a status buff to your entire party members and will also change the battle BGM (Background Music). Additional Deathblows can be unlocked in Nolende village.

Example of some of the Special Move conditions.

Bravely default save editor
Sword:Use the Brave Command ten times.
Axe:Defeat five enemies with a physical attack.
Spear:Inflict physical damage to ten enemies.
Rod:Use Magic ten times.
Staff:Use healing magic ten times.
Knife:Use items ten times.
Bow:Inflict physical weakness ten times. (Flying enemies)
Katana:Use the Default Command ten times.
Knuckle:Inflict critical damage three times.
  • You can customize each Special Move to have multiple properties. Each property can be unlocked when rebuilding Norende. For more details on Special Moves, read Section 6 of this guide.

Head back to Ruins of Centro Keep and leave through the north exit. Then head to the fort at the north end.

Lontaro Villa

[ ]EtherTreasure Chest: 1st Floor
[ ]AntidoteTreasure Chest: 1st Floor
[ ]PotionTreasure Chest: 2nd Floor
[ ]SpearTreasure Chest: 1st Floor
[ ]400 PQTreasure Chest: 2nd Floor
[ ]White CapeTreasure Chest: 2nd Floor
[ ]Phoenix DownTreasure Chest: 3rd Floor
[ ]Lustrous ShieldTreasure Chest: 3rd Floor *Blue Chest

Watch the event and shortly after your cover is blown, you will be forced into a battle with some grunt units. Travel outside you get into the other side of the villa, near the end of the dungeon you will find a Blue Chest, this treasure chest cannot be open at this moment, so don't bother trying, you have to wait till chapter 6 before you will have access to it. Once you find the Adventurer, the exit should be near, save your game and head outside to the airship. Prepare to fight another boss battle.

Boss BattleHealth HPStolen ItemItem Drop
Argent HeinkelNorm: 2000
Hard: 3250
Air Force ArcherNorm: 120
Hard: 167
Air Force ArcherNorm: 120
Hard: 167
Heinkel has high defense, it is highly recommended to have a Black Mage for the boss battle. All of the enemies here are weak to thunder, so immediately take out the grunts first. If you don't they will poison you with their poison arrow. The best way to take out the grunts is to cast the thunder spell on all targets, this way you can prevent Heinkel from using his cover ability to bodyguard his grunts. Once you have taken out the grunt you can focus on taking out Heinkel. Heinkel's ability Iron Wall and Shield attack gives him a tremendous amount of defense, that makes it very difficult to deal enough damage with your melee fighters. However once Heinkel HP drop down to 1000, he'll use his charge ability, that will greatly increase his attack power but lower his defense. This is the best opportunity for your Melee fighters to attack him.

Once you have defeated Heinkel, return to Caldisla, then go to the throne room and watch the event scene. Leave the Kingdom. You will now have the airship, 'Echalotte' at your possession. Take control of the airship and fly to the southeast continent of Anchiem.

  • The airship can only land in water and requires a port to dismount.

. Bravo Bikini (Edea)Defeat Fiore DeRosso for the second time in Chapter 5. Demo BonusesBonuses from playing the demo.BonusHow to unlock. Caldislan Adventure Set. Fully restore Norende. Caldislan Black Mage's Set.

Defeat Adamantite Shell. Caldislan Knight's Set. Deafeat Automaton. Caldislan Recovery Set.

Defeat Melusine. Caldislan Relief Set. Play the Demo.

Caldislan Soldier's Set. Defeat Dragon. Caldislan White Mage's Set. Defeat Minotaur. Easy MoneyUse this little trick to make some easy money and have unlimited access to the best healing item in the game, elixir! To do this, you need to have access to the Thief class (which you can unlock in the first sub-quest) and access to the level 25 nemesis 'Mammon' in Norende.

Now, when going into battle with Mammon, your goal is not to fight her but to steal her item. Mammon will either have an elixir or an ether. Go in, use brave x4 and steal with your theif, and set all of your other characters to run.

Assuming your theif has the highest agility in your party (a safe bet), he/she will go first. Once you find a Mammon that carries an elixir, be sure to hit 'protect' on it from the Norende screen. She will always drop the elixir, and as long as you don't defeat her and just keep stealing and running, you can have an unlimited supply of elixirs.

They sell for 25,000 pg each, or you can just save them for your own use, as they heal 9999 hp and 999 mp. This gets even better when you get your theif to level 11, as the Rob Blind ability gives you a chance to steal two items, bringing your haul up to 50,000 pg per hit. Extra Villagers without StreetPassIf you don't have a handy means of collecting StreetPass hits, that can make things difficult in Bravely Default because it affects how quickly you can unlock bonus content.

However, you can add villagers to your crew even without StreetPass, provided you take advantage of an opportunity early in the proceedings.To start, advance to the point in the demo where you receive a quest asking you to kill Adamantite. Before talking to the villager located between the spell and equipment shops, make sure that you save your progress. Then talk to the villager and you'll receive one additional villager. After verifying that your villager count has increased, talk to the Adventurer and go with the 'To title' option.