Ragnarok Clicker Calculator

Kind of a grey area. This is using some halfway between stable pre-transcendance patch and actual transcendence patch. Basically a really.

Skill Simulator:SwordmanJob level:Lord KnightJob Level:Turn Off Alert Message?Skills UnlockedSkillIconSkill NameCur/MaxLevelAddSkillMinusSkillDel.Skill Swordman Skills Below Na / 10Na / 10Na / 10Na / 101Quest Skill1Quest Skill1Quest SkillSwordman Skill Points Used:0Left:49 Lord Knight Skills Below Na / 10Na / 11Quest SkillLord Knight Skill Points Used:0Left:69Skills To Be UnlockedGetSkillSkillIconSkill NameMaxLvlRequirements Swordman Skills Below Lord Knight Skills Below. To use renewal requirements.

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Gran vitreous de la mujer. Who wouldn’t be!

Aeropostale clothing. Shitposts are welcome, but the ones with really low quality/effort will be removed. This includes merc death post.7. Clicker Heroes 1 clan recruitment and 'looking for clan' posts should not be made here. Please use our for all recruitment or searches. Related Subreddits. I don't think there is one, as late game Xyliqil is useless.At the moment though, I'm just taking a level or two off Borb and keep 3/4 levels in Xyliqil.It makes the second ascension a little slower due to more monster per zone, but once you get past a certain point, thats irrelevant.

Usually max Borb is overkill early game, meaning you don't need to necessarily level him as much as it says in the calculator. Calculator tells you above the calculator, the max Borb you need to keep under 2.01 monster per zone for your final ascension, in my experience it's been lower than the calculator suggests. So I use a few of those spare AS elsewhere. As the calculator clearly States, there are more than your last ascension in a transcension. It is levelled more than you need on the last ascension to hit 2 mpz faster. Also, idle is absolute garbage, change to active(or hybrid If on phone or above zone 50k) and throw away those Xyl levels, They dont really do snything for you.There are no idle calcs for outsiders, as idle is worthless and Xyl is a waste of AS(idle is used until you reach 2 autoclickers, after that You’re just wasting time If you keep on being idle).