Motor City Online Emulator

You have to build a research facility and a factory hall, then get some inquiries for parts in your storehouse. You'll need an engine, a chassis and a body (all for one size).in the left corner of your research facility is a drawer, the 1st drawer is marked 'prototypes'. Here you are able to design new cars by selecting the apropriate parts. When you've done that, your engineer will probably give some hints how to improve the car.back on the factory grounds right click and select 'new production' from the menu.

Motor City Online. Article Type All Features. Sort Date Title. Feature: EA's unusual period-set MMO racing game Remembering Motor City Online. Graham Smith. 3 years ago. 1 Sign up to read this RPS Supporter exclusive article! Motor City Online offers a massive online racing and community-building experience for gamers and gearheads alike. Inspired by the golden age of American car culture, Motor City Online allows players to buy, sell, customize, and race classic and muscle cars from the '30s to the early '70s. Whether you build it or buy it, whether it's a pieced-together beater or a cherried-out rod, prove yourself in a variety of online racing venues, including street, drag, and pro tracks.

Select the factory hall and another guy will appear who asks which car should be built and how the factory should be installed. Your only choice is 'manual1' here. After that it takes some days to install the needed machines, time enough to order parts and hire some workers (you'll need 80 skilled workers to get your production at 100% capacity usage).go back to your factory and assign the workers to the production.

The information screen shows details about the production's costs and effectivity.hope i could help. Have fun with the game!:ok. Originally posted by laiocfar@May 13 2005, 10:02 PMHi dogs,I got some problems here with Motor city. The game works well but i cann´t drive in the competitions.

Any idea:help::sniper:i like this oneThe first thing to do is to allocate some funds for race car research.Go to your research building and have a look at the 3rd drawer.There you can indicate how much you want to spend on race cars.Just bare in mind that the race competitions don't start until 1902 so don'treally bother spending money there before 1901. Just to add to my previous post:the plane crashes sep 1910 and from oct 1910 my small-engined cars do not sell a unit.also to reply to some people's questions about research, it all has to do with the year, i.e.

At the early stages of the game you cannot develop too powerful motors/chasses.some combinations that work are:2 cylinder 10 hp engine + chassis 10 hp4 cylinder 25 hp engine + chassis 25 hp6 cylinder 50 hp engine + chassis 50 hpthe engines and the chasses can be combined with different car bodies i.e. Open/soft top/hard top or even different categories as small/medium/large, so these three combinations have given me 7+ carshope these guidelines help. Originally posted by Guest@May 18 2005, 05:12 PMhowever i seriously wanted to delete the game as i found it extremely unrealistic to have average sales of 200 units per model per month, while having just released a new small car (i.e. Old medium-ranged engine, old medium-ranged chassis, new small-ranged car body) that sells 500+ units per month and then in less than a year suddenly drops to 0.I don't think its unrealistic at all. You need to keep on top of the market. Older models won't be as popular. A simple change of body shape can re-stimulate demand again.

I've found that the market is very price sensitive and will keep buying older stuff if you price it right. I'm currently selling 3 premium models (with same chassis & engine, but different bodies) for around $6300 each. To use up a stockpile of engines & chassis from previous models, I'm selling them in a small car configuration for under $3000. Each month I am building new factories because I can't keep up with demand.

January 1907 (the most recent month) saw a $2.9 million turnover of which over $2 million is profit. I don't know if that's good, but it would be great if that money was really in my account. LOLOne question I have: How do you find out information about what your competitors are doing? I'd like to know what they're selling and at what price, but can't figure out where to get this information.

It will help keep on top of the market. Lies of astaroth lilith full. Unfortunately i don't think you can learn anything about competition, par the annual event where you just get the percentage growth of competitors turnover.i was (and still am) dissapointed with the game's engine, as i used a new body for older parts and witnessed a great demand for it, outselling all my other models put together.

The demand keeps rising for a few months then after the airplane accident it suddenly drops to 0, even if i price the models at $200 (to clear my stock), whereas the previous month its price was $3000 and discovered that it could have sold even in the $6000 region.anyway, enough with my hurt ego!my car range (before that dreaded month) had one small car @3,000, one medium car @2,000 and three large cars @7,000, 9,000, 12,000. One nice thing i noticed was the interrelation between car prices as the sales of one car could alienate the sales of another car if prices were close enough.and some advice: do always built the largest factory available as you will quickly end up with no available land space to built otherwise (i was 3/4 full and rapidly building more). Also keep a couple of spares too, that can quickly be adjusted to suit different parts demand that may arise. Finally, (for the cheeky amongst you) if a building is destroyed by fire, just load that round again - the fire incident is random and will not repeat!would love to hear more tips from you! Hello, I can't start the game too.I am skilled in computer science but I've found no methods to start the game, because I can't find the.exe or or the.bat!I unzip the in the CDRIVE folder under the DOSBox installation.Then, I can see only two.exe files: a setup.exe and a idmas.exe.In a DOSBox prompt, I launch setup.exe and it works perfectly but it's needed just to setup the sound card.When I try the idmas.exe it keeps asking me 'On which drive you have installed MOTOR CITY?

(C,D,E.):'.There is no way to continue, even typing any letter.I loved Detroit and Motor City, and I'd happy if anyone can kindly help me.Thanks. This game is addictive as crack. I couldn't even pull myself away for a moment. My g/f was nearly kicking my behind out of my chair.When I first started, I was frustrated just like everyone else, I couldn't figure out how to sell cars & the right process in ordering parts & steps to take to get there.

The trick is, be patient and learn the nuances of the game before trying to make a million bucks. I shot myself and started over at least a dozen times.I have not completed this game yet, no where near it. But I can give good advice for those starting up, I have made a couple million dollars and know how to get there.When first staring out, don't expect to have serious cash flow from producing 1 model from all supplied parts. Chances are, you aren't going to get a big return.

The key early is to diversify products and master a trick that even today is used in autmotive planning & manufacturing called 'Just-in Time' delivery. This allows plants that manufacture autos to keep costs controlled, profits higher & lower stocks in warehouses. They ONLY have the parts available at the time they need them. At the end of the month, keep an eye on how many parts you are actually usiing & only keep say, a month of backup of parts you'll need in case of a supplier backorder problem. This way, you can maximize profit fom kepping stock supplies low, but having enough to make the autos at the current capacity. Knowing you factoriess output is key for this; The last column 'Used' in the warehouse stock shows this.When selling your cars, don't try to open too many dealer branches at once; they are costly and you won't get immediate return from the spending or be able to keep up with orders; take them easy and one at a time for awhile when you can afford it. Later on, Opening 2 at once will suffice when you'r producing a few different models.

Remember, the more dealer branches you have the more orders you will likely get. And if you can't keep up with demand,'ll be missing orders due to shortfall and be bankrupt from high supply costs.The best way to keep control of your costs of your vehicles and maintain good delivery time is to control prices monthly.

If you start to notice your output outgaining your sales, lower your final prices. Just like today, dealer inventories are often flooded and need to be slashed to make room for new models, and a lower price will move them faster. If you find yourself not being able to keep up with orders for a particular vehicle for a short period of time (or while you're building a higher output fatory in the process), raise the cost a little to reduce orders for next month. Your increased profits from losing a few sales will balance out from a slightly higher price; but beware of prices that are out of reach for customers, make sure you can handle all your orders at a reasonable cost or else build a higher output factory, which is a must. Start factories small and numerous and move up to large high-output facilities.A trick that car companies do to save cost is utilizing underpinings of vehicles and using the same parts across vehicle platforms. For example, all car companies today use the exact same chassis and their subcomponents (or 'platform' if you will) to make many different vehicles with different body styles or brands to increase diversification of their products and market share to customers with different tastes (Ford Explorer, Mercury Mountaineer, and Lincoln Avaitor all share the same platform & many, many parts). For this game, start making small cars with the same platform (Engine, Chassis in this case) and throw a different body on top (open or enclosed).

To make it easier on yourself I use a method of letters & numbers for my cars names for their platform size 'A' 'B' or 'C' and numbers for the models 'A1, B2, C3' etc. You may find your own system that works, but when things get complicated and you're supplying 3 countries and require a very high output, knowing your models and their components, what warehouses they output to and what parts they need to be produced is key to not losing track.Of course, to keep models costs down and supplier delivery problems at bay, you should make your own parts by doing research and building factories that only make parts. Don't try to do this too early on, it won't make much difference in your overall profits and it is very costly to build factories early in the game. Instead later, slowly introduce a more cost-effective model at the same time you're still selling the old mainly supplier-manufactured model and SLOWLY transition; factory changes are VERY expensive and don't try to convert more than 1 or 2 at a time and do a compltete changeover in a month. Even today in real maunfactirng this is a slow, drawn-out process.

That's why in dealer lots today, you'll see an old body style with the same build year as one with a new one. It takes time for factories to transition, and supplier parts on warehouses need to be used up & dealer. supplier orders ramped down. If you have to produce a car that has the chassis and engine built with a supplied body, don't worry; later on you may build a few cars that you make all the parts for (which does NOT happen today).

Remember, long-term low-cost process capabilty and high output are the keys to profitibilty.If you need more help inquire.tinklesP.S. Does anyone know when I can used 'unskilled' workers?

Stick to DoSBOX. And run that sucker in a full window.fiddle with the sound setup options until it works with something (AWE 32, Adlib, Soundblaser, etc.)Finally figured out that Unskilled workers can be used with the New Assmebly line Production option after I think 1911.In high-output factories, assmebly line production was basically the move out of 5 guys putting a car togther surrounded by parts. If you have vehicles that you're selling alot of (more than 100/month) I'd pay the price and convert. Hello after a long long time I´ve played Oldtimer again and found myself with the same questions I´ve had nearly a decade before:- How does advertising work?I suppose that Newspapers are for cheap (ca.2000$) and exhibitions for expensive cars but I´ve never noticed any significant chancge in sales after changing the amount or distribution of money spent for ads.How much should you spend (amount and%)?- Does anyone 'find' new engines after ca. 1912?The biggest one I´ve found is a 6 cyl 48 PS and if I read the save file correctlythat is the biggest one in the whole game?!- Can you mix for example a small engine with a medium chassis?P.S.

Unskilled Workers are a substitute for the skilled workers after you´ve installed the Assembly Line in ca. I wonder since my early childhood (my brother gave it (in German) to me when I was 8 and I played it for hours on my good ole 486DX, but never got too far (the best I ever had was I think 1905, after that I went bankrupt because my production halls where too far away from the halls with the parts in them (I didn't even know that that plays a role) and suddenly wheren't supplied any more) what the subtitle means. In German, it reads 'Erlebte Geschichte Teil II', so I wonder if there ever was a first part of the series.PS:I'm from Germany, sorry for bad English. Originally posted by vicious+May 14 2005, 02:08 PM.QUOTE (vicious @ May 14 2005, 02:08 PM).QuoteBegin-laiocfar@May 13 2005, 10:02 PMHi dogs,I got some problems here with Motor city.

The game works well but i cann´t drive in the competitions. Any idea:help::sniper:i like this oneThe first thing to do is to allocate some funds for race car research.Go to your research building and have a look at the 3rd drawer.There you can indicate how much you want to spend on race cars.Just bare in mind that the race competitions don't start until 1902 so don'treally bother spending money there before 1901.

/b/quoteI only find some 'dirty' pictures there. Their names appear as I hover them, but clicking doesn't seem to do anything. Anyway, the races (and test rides) are no fun, maybe my PC is too fast? I forgot some details:In 1922 there will be a big crisis for automotor industry, really BIG.In the 1stWW the problem is that u lose the enemies markets so choose a country of allies cuz u only will lose two markerts + war destruction. The real problem by 1915, it´s that u need bigger motors but by a bug i english version u can´t desing them.Denvelope many motors by 1912 of 6 cilinders and 25HP to 50HP, there are to be your only motors for rest of game. Cars without speed don´t, 13000 pieces of my model 15´ was sold by 1$ cuz it was too slow.

Well, lets see.Firstly u start with the administration (adm) and a small storage area(stg), u have to build a factory and a resarch center(RC). Build the cheapers in both, maybe u can try a bigger factory but it will cost u more than u got.

Well remember that the building period it´s in weeks and each turn are 4 weeks, so u must first start the RC cuz it takes more weeks than the factory.Before u get then done, u must make a right click, chose to set up store and click the stg. U also have ask the guy inside the stg to get offers for a small car´s open body, a small car´s motor of 1 cylinder and 5 hp and a small car´s chasis for 5 hp. U will get msg that says that he got the desings. U have to go to the stg, see the models, accept then?(i am not sure about this ponit), and make a storage of them.When finished the buildings, go ot RC, inside to the sparedrawer(right of the guys), select prototypes, new model.

Set the chasis, motor and body that the guy in the stg looked for. Hmmm for anyone who still has problems in winXP and doesnt want to use DOSbox. At least some part i played it on holiday in spain on my laptop and the build-in speakers are realy bad so i didn't install any sound drivers. But when you want to play whitout dosbox you have to enable your EMS memory.

For that you access 'Properties' from the IDMAS.EXE en go to 'Memory' give it some EMS space i have 10240 or something like that. Than just run IDMAS.EXE it worked for me.I just started playing this game today and i realy love it.

It a so simple game but the posibilties are enormous. Big it up for Max Design:ok:later and have fun playing. Originally posted by Shiriken+Mar 24 2006, 12:38 PM.QUOTE (Shiriken @ Mar 24 2006, 12:38 PM)Cant get the dam game to work.Tryed abouth everything now. I think.Tryed to make it com. With winxp, opend it in dos trying to run it there: No EMS driver found!

Please make sure that an EMS driver will be init in your config.sys file i.e.:Device=C:dosemm386.exe ram 2048I realy want to play the game hehe love Detroit./bHave you tried this?:.QuoteBegin-Dooky@Dec 30 2005, 09:53 PMHmmm for anyone who still has problems in winXP and doesnt want to use DOSbox. I fixed it.

At least some part i played it on holiday in spain on my laptop and the build-in speakers are realy bad so i didn't install any sound drivers. But when you want to play whitout dosbox you have to enable your EMS memory. for that you access 'Properties' from the IDMAS.EXE en go to 'Memory' give it some EMS space. i have 10240 or something like that.

Than just. run IDMAS.EXE. it worked for me.I just started playing this game today and i realy love it.

It a so simple game but the posibilties are enormous. Big it up for Max Design.:ok:.later and have fun playing/quote. I love you guys:) Thanks alot for the help.I learn something new every day.

And when its something about gaming or dosgames. Thats very rare.But you where all right about dosbox.

I changed the settings in my dosbox config to 222/5/1 and when i set that up in the sound setup, it worked:DIm really happy about that because i love dosbox, and now i know i can get sound working on the games that struggle, im set. I have quite alot of dos games and now they all work perfectly for me:)P.S.If anyone knows how to avoid that engines bug in Motor City, please let me know. Allright, this seems like one of them games I could have spent months in front of a few years back and late nights in front of today. But I have one problem.The only orders I seem to get are waay below my break even point per car. So I run out of money very fast!:titan:Even if I set the price to say $1300 per car, I only get paid that for say five cars a month!

The rest usually want around $1040-$1080 per car. Which results in a loss per sold car of about $260. Not a financially sound way of doing business.Hoping to see some hints!Oh, and thanks for an awesome site! So much easier to browse through than some of the other abandonware sites out there, no names dropped.Only the best games seem good enough for abandonia, just like it should be! Hi Guys,as far as I experienced the German version is NOT bug-free. I have the problem that the game exits typically sometime between 1905 and 1920.

After spending a lot of time trying old savegames I think that it happens when a certain (large) amount of cars is sold in one month or in total.I remember that I got the same bug on my 486DX ten years ago and didn't play the game since then but it's still really intriguing!So has anyone else experienced this bug? Does it happen in the English version too? The only work-around I found to complete the game is to stop selling cars, cut down all expenses and click 'next turn' until 1930:-(.

I would really like to just have the cannot-develop-more-engines-bug;-).cK. QUOTE(Jia Wen @ Apr 18 2006, 04:47 AM) 223259Is there like a manual or something because I don't like know how to sell the cars or which parts to get coz when i try to get offers for spare parts i have to go through everything to find which stuff the guy will look for.:cry:/bJia,And for those that are having trouble making moolah:I broke this game out again a couple of days ago. Some of you may have read my last post from '05 where I wrorte a whole page dedicated to the strategy of the business.I stand by my first post. You have to look at the game like any business - your job is to basically make money. Take educated risks for big retun; diversify, diversify, diversify and be flexible. Nothing more could be true in this game.I have never made it all the way through the game, as I spend a lot of time honing the years around the start of WWI for maximum profitablitiy before the crash.

If you know your history you know who was attacking who in the region and can benefit from knowing. I have made myself a big time millionaire just from using the simplest startegy I can think of.CONTROL YOUR COSTS.For example: the game doesn't do a great job tracking information from month to month, year to year; you will notice there's no overall sales queue or anything like that, it's only tracked by the month. There is a Profit/Loss section in your account book but that all goes away after Dec. My suggestion is to keep track of your sales month-by month; see where you are as far as the part output to where you're only making enough vehicles to sell.don't get yourself caught in a huge stockpile of cars and not be able to sell them - you must make them only as you need them, keeping only a safe amount (say 1 1/2-2 months supply) in your stock to ensure good profitablity. In your logbook it lists your cars in stock as assests; this is correct if you had to sell your business and everything has a 'value;' but how much have you spent in labor & manufacturing on those cars?

I'm in the car business myself and products collecting dust on your shelves that aren't moving are a liabilty and not an assest in that sense. Make only what you need. Watch your supply. Don't en masse a huge stockpile of engines and chassis expecting to sell them off later unless you've saved the game and you're absolutely sure they'll sell with a new body or other config. After all, how much did it cost you to make all those parts?I made more than 17 million bucks selling not 5 but 1 car - concentrating on keeping labor costs down by shifting around your manufacturing - keep an eye on your sales to ensure you're only making what you need and keeping up in case there's a sales spike (which happens periodically.) Big, huge factories are VERY expensive and I reccommend you wait as long as your can without building them. After all, if you can utilize several small medium-sized factories then do so.Slashing the costs of your cars will not make you any more money, it will only move them off your stockpiles faster.

Price your cars somewhere in the range of a healthy profit after studying how much they cost to make (usually $500-$2500 to make) and work from there. If you have a specialty car (say, a 2-seat sporty car) that you only want to sell in small volumes to keep demand high, don't price it too low. After all, a lucrative product demands a higher price.I'm still investigating on whether the game takes into account the body style and how much demnd there is from style to style (Say Hard tops of differing look). I know that there is a 'build quality' moniker on the part description page the author no doubt buried a variable in the code there to affect how well the car sells.

This is my guess, BTW.I noticed I found an easy method to keep traack of part stocks month to month is keep your supplies stock (i.e. Chassis, engines) in one warehouse and your product to sell (finished goods) in another to see how much they move month to month. This way you don't have supplies all over the place when trying to figure out why you have a delivery problem.When you sell your cars, don't be afraid of being behind too much; if you can't make orders for that month don't worry if you're a few short. Step up your factories' speed (I.e.

SLOW, NORMAL, FAST, INHUMAN, etc.) to compensate. I am still waiting to see if there are any reprocutions for working your employees to the bone (INHUMAN) but I have yet to see it. It is a good idea to watch your sales carefully, as it is the number one reason you are in the business. If you have a slump figure out if it's just the environment (i.e. WW1) or if the model has lagged behind and needs a freshening (an industry term).

Throw a new body on it and see if your sales pick up. In the meantime, stop factories; lay off some workers; factories and labor cost money and hurt your bottom line. Remember: long-term profitablity lies in controlling your costs month to month with steady growth, not expecting a huge profit on a hot model.

You can sell cars all day and not make any money if you don't control your spending.If anyone needs any further help let me know!tinkles. :kosta: first of all, i must say thanks for everybody here, still supporting this old game's topic, this is a REALLY fantastic game. I had been looking around for some forum/post about this game, i can't find anything most of the time and at last i find this place today:w00t: nice to meet everybody who play this game herei had spend my last couple of months on this game, have a few comments and questions about this game:- the biggest problem / bug is, researchable engine is limited to v6 50HP, i think a few other post had mentioned about this already before. Did anyone tried the german version and was able to research more power engines? If yes, is there anywhere to download the german verion now? Many many thanks for that- financially. I think it is ok to create a LOT of money by creating different model and mass produce new car with new body and old engine.

But somehow when the game think v6 50HP engine is too old and no one is going to buy them, nothing sell afterwards.- did this game sells good when it released before? I mean in term of the content of the game, player can research, create, drive, manage, race and also with nice old car pictures. It's a nice piece of things to sell but the company haven't create a new version of it. I played the online one, which is ok but it's totally different to this one (in fact i play the motorcity online before i know there is a dos version of it). Sometimes i feel like old games are more 'playable' in terms of contents inside the game, and computer games nowadays focus only on graphics most of the to you guys shortly. Hi, i have some questions.v6 50hp? I never get to this.

When im over the 25hp engines its too boring to try to get the perfect mach between 'model/cilinders/hp', i did it with the 25hp engine until 1924. The game says im in the hall of fame or something similar, a small video and game over!!! Where are the 'moder times'?!?!??!i get to over 100.000.000 in 1918/19, then there is no way to sell a single car. Doesnt matter wich engine/chasis/body you get. On 1922 i did it to get orders for a $500 car (lot under his price of 1200 to manufacture it) i fired every worker to try to get to the 50' with money to build 'something' but the game stops on it ok? QUOTE(Guest @ Oct 6 2005, 10:55 PM) 165537I wonder since my early childhood (my brother gave it (in German) to me when I was 8 and I played it for hours on my good ole 486DX, but never got too far (the best I ever had was I think 1905, after that I went bankrupt because my production halls where too far away from the halls with the parts in them (I didn't even know that that plays a role) and suddenly wheren't supplied any more) what the subtitle means.

In German, it reads 'Erlebte Geschichte Teil II', so I wonder if there ever was a first part of the series.PS:I'm from Germany, sorry for bad English/bA bit late, but I can answer this one; seems that Max Design had a historical educational series. Part I was: 1869: Erlebte Geschichte Teil IBought Motor City new in 1995 for my 486DX-4 100. Always hated codes in old games (for which you always needed the manual), so I prefer cracked abandonware:huh:Anyway, started playing again.

Nice to play during the Holidays:cool. Use DosBox (to run the game. You can download it here (might want to check out the official DosBox FAQ (and particularly this part of it. (Box) It is quite helpful for users unfamiliar with DosBox.I suggest you also read the pages about command line (internal programs ((very important!) and the config file (that stuff is a bit too much for you, you might consider using one of the multiple frontend programs (available.It's all easier then it seems.

So remember:DON'T PANIC!!! Hello!I've just been looking into this engine issue and pretty much figured out how to h4.

I havent logged in here in ages, and then something told me to pop by and check up on this thread. Thank you Salma Hayek!Alrightee, I've checked the file out. It is not directly compatible with the english version but the data is there. And after a bit of tweaking I've managed to transfer it into the english version've attached the zipped file for the english version, the one available here on Abandonia. I believe it is fixed, but I have not yet tested it fully. It should work flawlessly, but there's always a chance something else is still bugged.The game now has 80 engines instead of 25, just extract the attached here into the gfx folder of your motor city game.As soon as I get a chance, I'll look into what those other engines are and their details, if any of you need spoiling.;)Thanks for the file mate, have fun!

Thanks to Goran for putting together the expanded engine file. I'm off to try it now!As I've been getting into the game the past few days, I've collected some questions that I didn't see addressed here or in the translated manual made available on HotU. Perhaps someone here knows?1) What would be the purpose of building more/bigger Research buildings?2) What would be the purpose of building more/bigger Administration buildings?Edit: The manual file available on HotU notes, cryptically: 'Bigger Administration resp.

Research Department: Small image growth.' ???3) It seems to me that the only difference between the 'Production' and the 'Production+Storage' classes of buildings is that the latter can be switched from production to warehouse and back.

With the prices not that much different for similar sizes, is there any advantage I'm not seeing to choosing the plain 'Production' ones?4) Is there any limit to how many of each item a warehouse can hold, or only a limit to how many different items it can hold?5) Does one need to leave lots of pathways between the buildings? And how can one tell if supplies are going to have trouble getting from one building to another?6) When you get offers on, or start researching, chassis or engines, does it matter whether you select small, mid-size, or luxury car? Or is the body the only part where this makes a difference?7) Any insight on the best way to split the advertising budget? (Me, I just took a wild guess and set every branch to 30%/50%/20%.)8) With parts, what numbers are better or worse? I have presumed that: for body, less weight is better; for chassis, more carrying capacity is better; for engine, less weight is better, more HP is of course better, and cylinders and RPM and cubic capacity are not really important. Is this right?9) Any reason to not give a prototype the maximum number of gears possible?10) Is there any point to test driving a new model?

Motor City Online Emulator

I find it awfully tedious, and I don't learn anything about the prototype from it.That's all I can think of for the moment. Or at least I'll make myself stop thinking of new questions now.:tomato:P.S. Someone upthread asked if there are any new games in this genre in the pipeline.

I know of one independent developer-well, a one-man freeware outfit actually-who is working on one. The author of GameBiz and GameBiz 2-bare-bones games yet strangely addictive-is in beta on 'CarBiz:Megacorp'. His website (has a link to the game's forum and other information. Hey there,3) It seems to me that the only difference between the 'Production' and the 'Production+Storage' classes of buildings is that the latter can be switched from production to warehouse and back. With the prices not that much different for similar sizes, is there any advantage I'm not seeing to choosing the plain 'Production' ones?Yes. Production+Storage facilities tend to be larger than just Production ones, therefore, for the same physical space you can have either more storage space, or more production lines installed.

For example, the largest Production+Storage building has 8900 sq. Available, whereas the largest Production building has 8500 sq. Available; so you can push some more production lines onto a P+S building.4) Is there any limit to how many of each item a warehouse can hold, or only a limit to how many different items it can hold?Yes there is a limit on the stored volume.

I don't know exactly how each item is calculated, but for example I have a 8900 sq. Storage building where I store only steel (yes I need that much steel, my monthly usage is about 180k units). Anyway, it holds 425k units of steel5) Does one need to leave lots of pathways between the buildings? And how can one tell if supplies are going to have trouble getting from one building to another?No, you can fill up the whole map if you want.6) When you get offers on, or start researching, chassis or engines, does it matter whether you select small, mid-size, or luxury car?

Or is the body the only part where this makes a difference?For engines, AFAIK, no. For chassis, yes. I had in the past situations where the research guy wouldn't want to research a 15HP chassis for a small car, but accepted researching a 15HP chassis for a middle-ranged car.7) Any insight on the best way to split the advertising budget? (Me, I just took a wild guess and set every branch to 30%/50%/20%.)I use 50/40/10 in all my branches.Actually, reading from other posters, It seems that I'm on a different sales methodology.I price my cars usually 2.5X the building costs for small cars, 3X for middle-ranged cars and 5X for luxury limousines.

It's 1906 now and I grossed about $40m last year, selling about 1500 cars a month, being 1100 small cars, 350 middle-ranged cars and 150 limos - I sell only one of each model at a time.Also, I have lots of branches across all countries (5+), and I offer a 20% discount for dealers in each region. Dilapidated definition. Still, I spend no more than $3k on advertising. Surprisingly, even grossing as much as I said before, my market share never leaves the 3-4% mark, albeit my company image is always 'very sunny'8) With parts, what numbers are better or worse? I have presumed that: for body, less weight is better; for chassis, more carrying capacity is better; for engine, less weight is better, more HP is of course better, and cylinders and RPM and cubic capacity are not really important. Is this right?Yes, CCM and RPM are of no real usefulness. Anyway, you'll always want to match a chassis with a compatible-powered engine - no need for a 15HP chassis when all you have are 8HP engines.

Also, it's important to keep an eye on the total weight, body included. Especially in the beginning, you can build cars that actually yield faster maximum speeds with a combination of voiturettes + chassis 5hp + E 2 cyl 4 Hp, because they are very lightweight (the engine weights only 66kg), than if you were using any 10hp + 8hp engine. Top speed sells, keep that in mind =)9) Any reason to not give a prototype the maximum number of gears possible?I don't seem to find any reason, too.10) Is there any point to test driving a new model? I find it awfully tedious, and I don't learn anything about the prototype from it.No, only if you want to practice for a race event. What makes no sense at all, again, because race events are a steal: Your competitor's times are always twice of your lap times.Anyway, the test drive doesn't tell you nothing about your cars except for the actual maximum speed.That's all I can think of for the moment. Or at least I'll make myself stop thinking of new questions now.:tomato:P.S. Someone upthread asked if there are any new games in this genre in the pipeline.

I know of one independent developer-well, a one-man freeware outfit actually-who is working on one. The author of GameBiz and GameBiz 2-bare-bones games yet strangely addictive-is in beta on 'CarBiz:Megacorp'. His website (has a link to the game's forum and other information./quoteI can't think of any other else, apart from Detroit, but then Detroit has the issue of being way too easy, even in the hardest difficulty level.Anyone willing to spend some free time in starting a project like this? I have some ideas, I can code and I can do gfx.SeeyaFowler. I havent logged in here in ages, and then something told me to pop by and check up on this thread. Thank you Salma Hayek!Alrightee, I've checked the file out. It is not directly compatible with the english version but the data is there.

And after a bit of tweaking I've managed to transfer it into the english version've attached the zipped file for the english version, the one available here on Abandonia. I believe it is fixed, but I have not yet tested it fully. It should work flawlessly, but there's always a chance something else is still bugged.The game now has 80 engines instead of 25, just extract the attached here into the gfx folder of your motor city game.As soon as I get a chance, I'll look into what those other engines are and their details, if any of you need spoiling.;)Thanks for the file mate, have fun!Where I download this modified zip.?

Ok, I have played this game quite a lot, and now I just read through this entire thread. First, I have some things to share, and then I have some questions1: I think it matters how many gears you put on your car (though I'm not completely sure). More gears means it takes longer to produce (assemble) each car.2: There seems to be a correlation between worker speed and factories burning down. If you set worker speed in a production building to FAST, it is more likely to burn down.

If you set speed to INHUMAN the building will most likely burn down within a few months.3: The weight of engines seems to matter. Heavy engines take more steel to build. Thus, light engines consume the least steel in production and are thus cheaper.Theoretically, the MAX RPM could also be an important engine parameter, because, combined with the HP parameter, it indicates the torque of the engine. High HP combined with a low MAXRPM would mean an engine with high torque. Also, high HP engines with low RPM would make less noise, which is good. However it is difficult to verify if torque and engine noise is something the car-buyers in the game care about.Then I have some questions:- Do anyone know if the results of car races has any influence on the game. Does winning races make me sell more cars?- In the branch view there is a number indicating market share.

I have never gotten this number above 1%. Has anyone else managed to get more than 1% market share? I think there may be a small bug here, because it seems impossible to get it above 1%. My current game I had a market share of 11% in England and France in 1905, selling around 5000 cars a month. So I guess there is no bug.But I usually try to sell more cars at a lower price. If your way is to sell less with a higher margin you may well stick at 1% all the time.To keep around 10% share in later years I probably have to give up producing parts completely.

(rejecting researches and buying then from supplier)A warning: Never have the same price for two ore more different cars in a branche. In this case the orders are bugged. Took me quite a long time to find out:(Does anyone know if the three different controls for advertisement (newspaper, campaign, exhibitions) have any impact?Only thing I found out is to have the funding for advertisement at around least 5% of the sale region turnover, otherwise the sales go down.