Lost Civilizations Africa

DVD coverDirected bySarah Howitt, Ian Lilley, Mark BatesNarrated byCountry of originUnited KingdomOriginal language(s)EnglishNo. Of seasons2No. Of episodes8ProductionExecutive producer(s)Rachel BellProducer(s)Ross Harper, Michael SimkinRunning time60 minutesProduction company(s)IWC Media forReleaseOriginal networkPicture format::Audio formatFirst shown inUnited KingdomOriginal release5 January 2010 ( 2010-01-05) –20 February 2012 ( 2012-02-20)External linksLost Kingdoms of Africa is a British television documentary series. It is produced by the. It describes the.

The history of Africa begins with the emergence of hominids, archaic humans and—at least 200,000 years ago—anatomically modern humans (Homo sapiens), in East Africa, and continues unbroken into the present as a patchwork of diverse and politically developing nation states.

The series is narrated by.The series was originally commissioned as part of the Wonderful Africa Season on in the lead up to the.The first season of Lost Kingdoms of Africa was originally screened in the UK on BBC Four each Tuesday night over four weeks, starting on 5 January 2010.The second season of Lost Kingdoms of Africa was broadcast over four weeks, starting on 30 January 2012.

The Bible, Torah, and History says the same thingNow, this article is not about religion, but about history. So, every historical source must be quoted, just as the science of genetics and archeology are being used.

The bible and Torah were written over 3,000 years ago, and owing to their age, they've become historical documents whether myth or real. They need to be quoted as well because no matter what ancient source you check, the truth is always there. The truth is the truth. The truth never changes.Both the Torah and Bible said Noah had 3 sons, namely; Ham, Shem, Japheth. Genesis 9: 20-27.Later, Ham grew up, married and had 4 sons, namely; Cush, Mizraim, Phut, Canaan. Genesis 10: 6.

Also referenced in 1 Chronicles 1:8.See MizraimSee CushThe map below shows ancient names of northern Africa, Europe, and middle east region. Above were the ORIGINAL names of these lands. And you can clearly see African presence in the bible. But, i n order to whitewash the bible, European scholars had to rename MIZRAIM to Egypt and CUSH also renamed Ethiopia or Nubia. The bible and Torah in Amos 9:7 called children of Ethiopians the same as children of Israel. It reads ' Are ye not as children of the Ethiopians unto me, O children of Israel? Saith the LORD.

Great african civilizations

Have not I brought up Israel out of the land of Egypt?' Note that the place called Egypt today; including most of the Middle East and the Mediterranean were inhabited by black people at that time. The place known today as Egypt was a civilization that developed later from Ethiopia and Sudan. The Egyptians themselves said they came from the hinterlands of Africa at the beginning of the Nile river. The River Nile begins in Congo, Burundi, Tanzania, Rwanda, Kenya. Their God and monarchy didn't originate in Egypt in North Africa, rather, it originated thousands of years inside Africa before Egypt.

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Example; Pharaoh Taharqa or Tiharqa (690 BC - 664 BC) ruled from Ethiopia/Sudan. Pharaoh Taharqa or Tiharqa was mentioned in the bible at 2 Kings 19: 8-13, 2 Kings 19: 9, 2 Kings 19: 8.King Taharqo was the 4th Pharaoh in the 25th dynasty of the Egyptian monarchy, and he ruled from Ethiopia/Sudan where Isis and Horus were worshiped a long time before the Egyptian civilization. See Egyptian Pharaoh timelinePharaoh Menes 3,150 BC - 3,100 BC unified the two kingdoms.

Other Pharaohs that ruled the two kingdoms includes Pharaoh Shabaka 712 BC - 698 BC and Tarhaqa 690 BC - 664 BC.Again, ancient Egypt was divided into two kingdoms, known as Upper and Lower Egypt. The pharaohs were known as rulers of the Two Kingdoms; namely, upper and lower Egypt.While the labeling of 'upper' and 'lower' might seem counter-intuitive, with Upper Egypt in the south and Lower Egypt in the north, the terminology derives from the flow of the Nile from the highlands of East Africa (upstream) to the Mediterranean Sea (downstream).Lower Egypt is to the north and is that part where the Nile Delta drains into the Mediterranean Sea. Upper Egypt is to the south- down to the African hinterlands where the flow of the river Nile begins.

Look not upon me, because I am black, because the sun hath looked upon me: my mother's children were angry with me; they made me the keeper of the vineyards; but mine own vineyard have I not kept'.There is no shortage of bible or Torah passages showing that the Jews/Israelites were black people. The book of Jeremiah 14:2, reads ' Judah mourneth, and the gates thereof languish; they are black unto the ground; and the cry of Jerusalem is gone up'. According to English language, the 'subject' here is Judah and 'they' is a pronoun replacing Judah. So, don't let anybody spin it to fool you.Judah is as black as the soil! You have to be black to even qualify as a Jew!!The question is not whether ancient Hebrews and biblical characters were blacks, it’s not even up for debate, because there’s overwhelming evidence for that, both in science and the bible itself. The question we should be asking is; why was black history stolen?

The brainwashing and subduing of black people began the moment our history was stolen by Rome. It was from then on that blacks were brainwashed to believe the white supremacist mindset that has got us thinking whites are the 'be all and end all'. From then on white supremacists and brainwashing Euro-centric education started coining new worlds to make us hate ourselves. Words and phrases that were coined and still being coined to humiliate the black race includes; black day, blackguard, black sheep, black mood, black widow, blackmail, black money, blacklist, black Thursday, black marketeer, blackhead, blackball, black market, black out, black death, black maria, black knight, black Monday, black spot, black economy, black ice, black look, black magic, black mark, black ops, blackout, blackjack, black hole, blackleg, black Wednesday, blackboard jungle, black eye, black mass. Most magnificent black history was deleted from the history books within the 16 th-18th century in a time known as the renaissance period in Europe because Europeans know the importance of history, and they knew in advance the best way to get us out of the way was to steal the good sides of our history. And, by erasing proud black history from the history books, Rome for example; assumed the custodians of Christ’s legacy ever since, when in fact the Roman empire was an enemy of Jesus Christ during his time on earth. During Jesus's days, Caesar Augustus was the king of Rome and Herod king of Judea and environs, while Pontius Pilate was the Roman governor.

Rome was a colonial force occupying Jesus's birthplace, collecting taxes and exploiting the locals. Rome was there like any other colonial power invades a foreign land.

Pontius Pilate sentenced Jesus to death. Europe is already being successfully presented as the origin of education, when in fact, the first universities on earth were all in Africa. The schools are still there, and they are:- Al-Azhar University in Egypt (North East Africa), Sankore University in Timbuktu Mali (West Africa), Fez university in Morocco (North-West Africa). These three universities predate any university in Europe and the world. Indeed, Europeans and Asians studied in Africa and they said so.

Pythagoras, a Greek Mathematician wrote that he studied Mathematics in Africa along with many other Greek intellectuals of old. In the face of hard evidence though, Europeans eventually acknowledge the first university on earth was in Africa. See Guinness World Records for the oldest university in the world at What they don't even know is that Sankore university in Mali predates Fez university in Morocco. Nobody knows how many of such universities that were scattered all over Africa before slavery, but forgotten by history. Modern man (homo sapiens) migrated or exodused out of Africa about 60,000 ago to Arabia, Eurasia, Australia, Asia, Brazil and the Americas, e.t.c. Science confirms a massive exodus of people out of Africa. The bible also stated the same!

The bible stated in the whole book of Exodus that there was indeed a massive exodus of people in and out of Africa up till the end of the ice age. The bible characters remain the same people that exodused out of Africa, and their descendants! The biblical Jews or children of Israel were Africans migrating in mass in and out of Africa due to climate change! Please see a scientific research on. See another research on. It kept happening that way for a long time until the world climate stabilized and people were able to live in a permanent location and were able to begin farming during the Neolithic period. There were severe and erratic climatic change happening then, such that sometimes it would rain a whole month non-stop and people would be terrified as it seems the whole earth was inundated with water, as recorded in the story of Noah, only to give way to severe drought and famine as recorded in the story of mosses and the children of Israel (Africans) in the Sahara desert.

All these recorded in the bible.Below is a map of North-west and East Africa plus the Middle East. A close examination of this map is enough proof of journeys by the so-called Israelites. As you can see for yourself above, the three arrows correspond to journeys out of Africa to the Middle East. For example; you can see the story of Moses dividing the red sea was a journey originating from either Sudan or Egypt across the red sea to Saudi Arabia.It is clear that any journey to Israel or the Middle East would mean a Pharaoh and his army were dealing with Israelites in South East of Egypt or North East of Sudan, forcing them to cross the red sea and re-routing their way from Saudi Arabia. This clearly shows the original Israelites must have been migrating from the southern part of Egypt, to begin with- totally corresponding to the science of archaeology, paleontology, and genetics that proves Adam and Eve and their descendants first lived in the Southern part of Egypt.

The southern part of Egypt is the true origin of the Israelites the bible talked about! The southern part of Egypt includes but not limited to anywhere from Sudan, Ethiopia, Chad, Central African Republic, Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda, Ghana, Cameroon, Gabon, down to South Africa.I' am not a bible quoter, but I must say here that indeed the bible said when the messiah returns he will go back to Southern Egypt and other locations to recover his people that remain there! The book of Isaiah 11:11 reads ' In that day the Lord will reach out his hand a second time to reclaim the surviving remnant of his people from Assyria, from Lower Egypt, from Upper Egypt, from Cush, from Elam, from Babylonia, from Hamath and from the islands'.