Gothic Iii

10 sabretooth teeth for Leif

Leif the hunter gives this quest. You have to bring him 10 teeth of the sabretooth tiger. If you don't have it in the inventory, take a walk around Nordmar - there are a lot of these beasts here.

The ultimate source of games patches & addons on the web for Gothic 3. Questpaket 3. Download Questpaket 3 Update 2 (475MB) List of changes Download Questpaket 3 with Hotfix 1 for Community Patch 1.7 (478MB) List of changes. Welcome to my guide dedicated to the one of the most expected games - Gothic III. At the beginning I have to point that it's not a guide in the classical meaning.


  • Experience points: 2000
  • Reputation: Fire Clan +5

Angir's tomb

It's a part of the most important task given by the Fire Clan - it's Kerth who gives it (described later). When you find the tomb (use a map Kerth gave you) and a proper Ancestor Stone, enter the tomb, kill all skeletons, defeat Angir, and put the stone into pedestal (you are going to do that in all tombs). The pedestals are near the walls (you have to look for them, sometimes you have to check the second chamber). You get the Angir's Ancestor Stone helping the Nordmarian Osmund you find near the tomb. Help him to destroy a group of Orcs. This way he gets back the stone and then you may take it from him.


  • Experience points: 2500
  • Reputation: Nordmar +5
  • Reputation: Fire Clan +5
  • Attributes: Smithing +8

Baldar's tomb

The quest similar to the previous one but it's the tomb of another hero. To find the Baldar's Ancestor Stone you have to kill the shadowbeast living in a cave nearby the tomb. Just next to the tomb's entrance you find the blood that leads you to the beast's lair. Kill the shadowbeast and take the stone from its body.


  • Experience points: 2500
  • Reputation: Nordmar +5
  • Reputation: Fire Clan +5
  • Attributes: Strength +3

Berek's tomb

Quest similar to the previous one but it's a tomb of another hero.

Berek's Ancestor Stone can be found on the body of Nordmarian killed on the altar by the Orcs (the altar is near the entrance to the tomb). You have to defeat the group of Orcs led by a shaman. There is also a powerful demon summoned by the shaman - you have to destroy it too. Then take the stone.


  • Experience points: 2500
  • Reputation: Nordmar +5
  • Reputation: Fire Clan +5
  • Attributes: Hunting skills +3

Ejnar's tomb

Quest similar to the previous one but it's a tomb of another hero. Ejnar's Ancestor Stone is a stone that you stole from Hashishin Ali in Faring. You gave it to Rathgar but you can get it back (just help Rathgar and he gives you the stone).


  • Experience points: 2500
  • Reputation: Nordmar +5
  • Reputation: Fire Clan +5
  • Attributes: Hunting skills +3

Snorre's tomb

Quest similar to the previous one but it's a tomb of another hero. Snorre Ancestor Stone can be found in the tomb of Snorre. There are Orcs fighting against the undead. Join the battle and kill everything that moves. The shaman leading the Orcs has the stone. Kill him (or beat him only) and take the stone with you.


  • Experience points: 2500
  • Reputation: Nordmar +5
  • Reputation: Fire Clan +5
  • Attributes: Strength +3

Einar's helmet

It's quest from Rathgar (you met him after leaving Faring - he was looking for the stone stolen by Ali).

When exploring the Einar's tomb you face Einar itself. Kill him and loot his body - you can find the legendary helmet. Bring it to Rathgar and the Nordmarian gives you the helmet as a reward.


  • Experience points: 2000
  • Reputation: Fire Clan +5

Akascha's ancestor stone

You need this stone to finish the job in Akascha's tomb.

This time you have to defeat a strong group of Orcs defending the entrance to the tomb. You can find the stone on the body of the shaman leading the Orcs.


  • Experience points: 2500
  • Reputation: Nordmar +5
  • Reputation: Fire Clan +5
  • Attributes: Ancient knowledge +1

An ancestor stone for Rathgar

Rathgar gives this quest.

You meet Rathgar after leaving Faring through the pas to Nordmar. The Nordmarian tells you a story of being robbed by Ali. You rob is to get the stone back from Ali's hands (it's described earlier).


  • Experience points: 2000
  • Reputation: Fire Clan +3

A teleporter stone for Lee

Lee gives this quest.

Lee wants to kill Rhobar and he needs to reach Vengard. Your job is to bring him the teleporter stone leading to the temple of Vengard (it's hidden in Gotha). To finish this quest correctly you have to visit Vengard and the second teleporter stone from the magician. Then you have two stones, so you may give one to Lee. It's good to cooperate with Lee when you support the Orcs or Hashishin, and you have to kill Rhobar.


  • Experience points: 2000

Raw materials for Kalan

Kalan gives this quest.

Kalan is a smith from the Fire Clan. You get this quest when you ask Kalan to be your teacher. He agrees when you bring him 30 pieces of raw steel. If you don't have it in the inventory just take a walk around Nordmar - there are a lot of mines here.


  • Experience points: 2000
  • Reputation: Fire Clan +5

The power of the ancestors

Kerth the leader of the Fire Clan gives this quest.

Kerth sent his best warriors to the tombs of the ancestors. Their job was to put the ancestor stones on pedestals in tombs. None of them has returned so far, so now it's your job to finish the task. You have to find the lost stones (it's described earlier) and then put them in tombs. Kerth gives you the map that can help you.

There are six tombs signed on a map with red crosses. A cursor shows your position. You may also compare the tomb's map with the map of Nordmar (if you have troubles with finding these places). Do not get angry when you can't find the entrance - sometimes it seems that you are at the correct place but you still can't see the tomb. It's advisable to check all possible sides, because an entrance can be a little away from the cross-signed on the map. Finding all tombs will probably take a lot of time so it's good to sign the tombs already visited.


  • Experience points: 5000
  • Reputation: Nordmar +5
  • Reputation: Fire Clan +10

Orc camp wiped out!!!

It's a part of quest connected with liberation of Nordmar, given by Kerth. There are five such camps all over the Nordmar. You surely find them while doing other quests. It's always a difficult fight because of the number of warriors and shamans. Destroy following camps one by one. Use the best tactic: lure the Orcs outside and run away when you need to.


  • Experience points: 2500
  • Reputation: Nordmar +2

Orc camp wiped out!!!

This quest is similar to the previous one but it's the second camp this time.


  • Experience points: 2500
  • Reputation: Nordmar +2

Orc camp wiped out!!!

This quest is similar to the previous one but it's the third camp this time.


  • Experience points: 2500
  • Reputation: Nordmar +2

Orc camp wiped out!!!

This quest is similar to the previous one but it's the fourth camp this time.


  • Experience points: 2500
  • Reputation: Nordmar +2

Orc camp wiped out!!!

This quest is similar to the previous one but it's the fifth camp this time.


  • Experience points: 2500
  • Reputation: Nordmar +2

Liberate Nordmar

Kerth gives this quest when you finish the work in tombs and get the power of the ancestors. Your job is to banish all Orcs from Nordmar (destroy all camps described above).


  • Experience points: 5000
  • Reputation: Nordmar +5
  • Reputation: Fire Clan +10

Armor for Thorald

Thorald gives this quest.

Thorald wants o participate in a battle but he has no armor. Your job is to bring him one. You have to go Stejnar from Hammer Clan and ask him for forging armor good for Thorald. It costs you 1000 gold coins.


  • Experience points: 2000
  • Reputation: Fire Clan +5

Duel with Sivert

This quest appears during conversation with Sivert. Sivert is a Nordmarian guarding the entrance to the Fire Clan. When asked by him tell him that you are an enemy. Then a duel starts.


  • Experience points: 2000
  • Reputation: Nordmar +3
  • Reputation: Fire Clan +5

Hunting Orcs with Kaelin

Kaelin gives this quest.

Kaelin is bored and he suggests a raid on the Orcs camping nearby. You may agree but first clear the way from beasts (goblins, wolves, sabretooths) so Kaelin can't get killed. It's a good idea is to kill the Orcs by yourself and then go back for Kaelin. When Nordmarian takes you to the Orcs' camp, they appear again but there are much less of them.


  • Experience points: 1250

Hunting with Leif

Leif the hunter gives this quest.

Leif suggests the wolf hunting. You may agree but first clear the way of beasts (Leif cannot get killed).


  • Experience points: 1500
  • Reputation: Fire Clan +5
  • Attributes: Hunting skills +1

Accompany Rathgar to the cave tombs

Rathgar gives this quest when get back the ancestor stone. Agree to escort the Nordmarian to the tomb. You must take care for Rathgar and it's not so easy (there are a lot of beasts: wolves, ripperbeasts and rhinos). You may try to clear the way before starting a trip with Nordmarian.


  • Experience points: 1000

Kill the Orc shamans

It's the last part of the quest from Osmund (it's described later). When both of you find shamans (there is only one shaman I guess), you have to kill them of course. And it's very difficult task if you want to keep Osmund alive.


  • Experience points: 2500
  • Reputation: Fire Clan +7

Killing Orcs

It's the last part of the quest given by Kaelin (it's described earlier). When both of you reach the Orcs' camp, kill all of the Orcs (Kaelin cannot get killed of course).


  • Experience points: 2500
  • Reputation: Nordmar +3
  • Reputation: Fire Clan +10

Find the Orc shamans

Osmund gives this quest.

You meet Osmund near the Angir's tomb. Osmund was sent with the ancestor stone, but it has been stolen by the Orc shaman. The Nordmarian wants you to help him to get the stone back. You have to agree because you need this stone to finish other quest. When you get the stone back from the Orcs' hand, persuade Osmund to give the stone to you.


  • Experience points: 1500

version: v.1.75.14 Full International

Gothic 3 Community Patch v1.75



'+': Added feature or improvement.

'-': Bug fix, change or removal.

XV. Community Patch v1.75.14 (not in retail version)

+ Performance tweaks.

+ Modkit enclosed as separate installer, incl. short manual & CPT tools.

- Light calculation on vegetation corrected.

- Lightmap issue on some ruin's walls.

+ Width of ingame menus depends on aspect ratio of the screen resolution (can be switched on or off by GUI.AutoAspect in ge3.ini).

+ Color grading implemented.

- Nvidia 3D Vision issue - sky at wrong depth (can be switched on or off by Render.Nvidia3DVisionFix in ge3.ini).

- 'Orc armor' reincluded into the game.

+ 'Looting by rightclicking' can be deactivated via ge3.ini (parameter QuickLoot).

XIV. Community Patch v1.75 (patch & retail version)


+ Resource cache can't be changed manually anymore, but will be calculated automatically instead.

+ Autodetection of adequate graphic settings improved.

Pixel devil and the broken cartridge replacement kit

+ At the first start of the game the current desktop screen resolution will be used.

+ Display aspect ratio limitation removed.

+ Display refresh rate limitation removed.

+ Text language adjustable via audio menu.

+ Parameter 'Render.DisableFocusNames' in ge3.ini now also disables all scroll message texts.

+ The ingame font art can now be set in the ge3.ini.

+ fmodex updated to newer version.

+ Dynamic shader caching to reduce stuttering.

- Timing issue on multicore processors fixed (can be switched on or off by Timer.ThreadSafe in ge3.ini).

+ Subtitles will be displayed if a soundfile is missing, even if subtitles have been deactivated in the ingame options.

- Fixed crash when summoning fog while being attacked in close combat.

- Fixed crash when viewing recipes without ResultItem.

- When the hero gets enough XP to climb up two levels at once, he will actually perform these two levelups now.

+ For modders: Certain types of new freepoints are supported now. You can assign info files to those 'ghosts'.


- Shadow issue fixed that occured on Radeon 4000 graphic cards and above.

+ Improved shadow quality.

+ Dynamic shadows now fade out by distance.

+ Vegetation can now receive dynamic shadows (only when shadow quality is set to 'very high').

+ Self shadowing added to light calculation.

- Support of shader 1.4 and 2.0 removed.

+ Rim lighting, soft water and soft particles can't be switched off anymore.

+ Rim lighting and subsurface scattering on NPCs implemented.

+ Chromatic dispersion added to water.

- When a weapon hits water, the water waves won't hover diagonally in the air.

- Numerous holes between the head and the body of various NPCs have been mostly closed.

+ Specular light calculation changed from Blinn-Phong to Phong.

+ Improved many shaders.

- Fixed lighting exploit when using animal transformation scrolls.

+ Screen noise improved.

+ Improved Bloom/HDR.

- Depth of field / soft particle issue in combination with watersurface.

+ FXAA implemented, edge smoothing removed.

+ Numerous textures corrected, improved or added.


- Animation of gargoyles and swamp lurkers improved.

- Animals and monsters collapse, too, when the hero 'assassinates' them.

- Clipping of shields that are worn on the arm reduced.


+ Randomization of smalltalk sentences improved.

- NPCs don't start to talk to the hero while he is jumping.

+ The 'Story helper' offers dialog options to 'calm down' an enclave with 'red NPCs' (exceptions: Gotha and Ardea), and dialog options to reduce the counter for 'liberated cities'. Use at your own risk!

+ The 'stage directions' (instructions about what gesture a NPC should make while saying a certain text) were moved from the stringtable to the info files.

+ For modders: InfoType=7 adapted from Forsaken Gods.

+ For modders: New info file parameter 'SuppressLog'.

+ For modders: New info commands 'Humanize', 'GiveAll', 'FailQuest', 'JoinPlayer'.

+ For modders: New condition 'CondPlayerPartyMember'.


+ For modders: New quest type '13' (spell quests) adapted from Forsaken Gods.

Ingame menus

- Corrected height calculation in mission log window.

+ For modders: Implemented the possibility of quest descriptions (QuestDescription).

Inventory related topics (trading, looting, etc.)

+ Trader's amount of money slightly increased.

+ For modders: Included possibility of non-random trade inventories (gETreasureDistribution_Trade_NotRandom).

+ For modders: Traders are now able to sell quest items.


+ The hero doesn't put away his staff or torch anymore when eating fruit, meat, fish, or bread.


+ For modders: Two new commands 'ShowGameMessage' and 'AddQuestLog' added to the script array of item templates.

+ For modders: New property 'FullBody' included in Item_PS.

NPC placements

- NPCs don't stand inside other NPCs while having a smalltalk conversation.

NPC navigation

- The hero can't swim underneath water lily leaves anymore.

- Removed invisible barricades from the stairs of the tower above Faring.

- More possible causes for sliding NPCs removed.


- The hero's companions won't be injured by his area spells.

+ Arena combatants will wake up from unconsciousness sooner than other NPCs.

- Bug resolved where the hero could be attacked by animals after he enchanted them with the spell 'Summon animals'.

- Ice golems now use the spell 'ice lance' on long distances.

- Dead NPCs can't be reanimated by using the 'Attack' command in Info files.

+ Mummies now hit slightly earlier, faster and more often than before.

- No 'machine gun'-like attacks from Ogres and 'Temple guards' anymore.

+ NPCs who watch fights will occasionally give remarks now when the hero hits his opponent.

Unconsciousness and death

- Effect of the console commands 'Kill' and 'Defeat' on animals and monsters corrected.

- Burning or poisoned NPCs only die from fire or poison when they are hostile to the hero.

NPC behaviour

+ If the hero opens a chest with the proper key, NPCs don't care about the looting.

- NPCs with PAL_Pirate now react on aggressive animals and monsters.


- Animal companions don't take part in combats of other NPCs anymore.

- Companion won't slide around after being dismissed while waiting.

Skills and magic

- The spell 'Banish evil' can't be waisted on inappropriate enemies anymore.

+ For modders: The description of the HP, SP and MP gain at shrines now results from the TeachAttribValue of the corresponding info file.

Interactive objects

- The hero isn't able to go to sleep, open chests, sit down, sharpen any weapons or use other interactive objects while being under attack.

+ If the hero can't use an interactive object, a scroll message will inform about the necessary item.

+ If the hero sits down on a chair or a bench, he slowly regenerates life energy.

+ For modders: There's a new attribute KeyAmount in the Lock-PS of chests. If the hero should need several (identical!) keys to open a chest, here's the place to name the amount.

+ For modders: It's now possible to set a GameEvent when the hero opens a chest (Interaction.ScriptUseFunc). This event will be set every time the hero uses the object. The same applies when using anvils, whetstones, cooking pots, campfires, alchemy tables, prospecting veins, tree trunks (saws), orc drums, water barrels, thrones, stools, benches, waterpipes, and lecterns.

+ For modders: The attribute increase when reading smithing bookshelves is now connected to the AB switch as well.

Camera related topics

+ First person mode camera has been moved up.


- Default key for 'take all' while looting changed from 'Z' to 'U'.

- The hero doesn't re-enter sneak mode automatically after being forced into conversation with an NPC.

- Problem resolved where the hero carried out an action after the player clicked on the 'Ok' Button of a tutorial.

- It's not possible anymore to switch back to the main menu during a conversation.

+ Unconscious or dead NPCs and unlocked chests can now be looted by rightclicking them.

Only with AI switch turned on:

+ Arena combatants fight with a higher attack frequency.

+ With difficulty 'hard', the attacks moves of arena combatants are slightly faster.

- Fixed bug where animal groups could use sprint attacks when difficulty 'easy' was activated.

Report problems with download to [email protected]






7 days

Gothic 3 - v.1.75.14 Full Internationalpatch1515.4 MB6/11/2010163.1K1.6K
Gothic 3 - ENB and SweetFX for Gothic 3 v.5102018mod836.2 KB9/29/20199.5K76
Gothic 3 - v.1.12 EUpatch60.5 MB12/21/200613K37
Gothic 3demo1106 MB11/10/200626.7K30