Blade Of Darkness Mode

Dizaaaaamn, my PC has about as much processing power as a toaster. BOD is the most technically advanced game it can handle, and I could not be more impressed! This has, without a doubt, the best melee combat system I have ever come across, aside from maybe the Gothic series or Risen. Cape may coast guard graduation. The graphics lack a high polygon count given that the game was released in 2001, yet the lighting system definitely holds up well to today's standards. The pre-Havok physics engine is also very advanced for a game of this time period.

Swords slash through enemy NPC's like hot knives through a stick of butter, sometimes sending stray limbs flying through the air like phantom boomerangs. Limb loss, headless spinning cadavers, and neck stumps that gush like a garden hose are the norm, not the exception. Rudimentary enemy AI is pleasantly retarded, making for some incredibly hilarious moments.

Blade of darkness enemies

Multiplayer is in the game too but sadly no coop mode (which would have perfected the game:P ) only Arena.

They all seem to suffer from 'stiff neck' syndrome, in that they slowly twirl around in a circular motion when taken from behind, instead of being more nimble on their feet. I've gone through white-knuckle battles where I've been zerged from all sides, taunted by idiot Orcs who go down with the simplest of combos, and been 1-shot killed by the occasional arrow from the cleverly hidden archer. In its vanilla state, I find the game too easy. To amend this problem, I installed Oscuro's BOD Mod (of TES fame), and find BOD slightly more challenging.

Still, the game is wildly unbalanced and rough around the edges. Like a Z-grade horror movie that was released straight to the bargain bin.

Forget about a plot, because you will not find it here (read a book if that's what you're after). Cringe worthy. The gameplay however, is so much fun that it negates this title's litany of other flaws. I read in another review that each enemy encounter is more like a Mortal Kombat mini-game, and I couldn't agree more! Others claim to use tactics; I prefer to rush mobs and go all-out button mashing. Is it my adolescent urge to re-enact Arnold's titular character in the Conan series?

BOD combines hackneyed fantasy tripes and cardboard characters with balls-to-the wall medieval combat to give this game incredibility high re-playability. Core gameplay mechanics are in the limelight for once, something of a rarity in today's AAA titles. It's a crying shame that Rebel Act Studios folded shortly after BOD's release.

The only other PC game of this type that draws even remote comparison is Arx Fatalis, though more for its quirky homegrown feel, than engaging melee battles. New school Skyrim dorks need not apply; this is an off-the-wall niche slasher that will only appeal to those with the patience to give it the chance it finally deserves.

Dear fellows,I need help with running my most favorite game of all times - Blade of Darkness.I used to be with Windows 7 but now I am with Windows 10.I tried reinstalling but won't work. Is there any raster addon for Windows 10?I would be the happiest if someone helps with this thing.Blade of Darkness is the best game ever and I used to mod it myself last year but I am with tied hands now. I've completed this game more than 150-160 times and I am still keen on it. Please help!P.S. You can find me atCheers.Edited. Finally Blade of Darkness works!I've played the demo multiple times in 2001. Windows 10 64bit full Compatibility: Blade of ligt v 1.5 mod enb 0.242 and Gorentity Mod 20161.

Install Microsoft visual Studio Community!!!!2. Enable DirectPlay3. Install USA Blade of Darkness, NO install DirectX 8 or DX9!!!!4. Install USA 1001 Patch5. Install nGlade 2.00 and select directX mod.6. Install Gorentity Mod 20167. Install Blad of Light ENB mod.8.

Open the file (inside the Scripts folder) with a text editor and add this two lines at the bottom:import weaponLightweaponLight.ToggleLight8. Install language filesplayIf the game doesn't start also try to copy./data/video/EnglishUS/main.mpg to./data/video/ORrename the folder./data/video/ to./data/video.bak/If dont requires DOF effect then open enbeffectprepass.fx with text editor in the 'bin' directory and overwrite '#define USEBOKEHDOF 1' to'#define USEBOKEHDOF 0' Now all in focusI Pc Config: Asrock Z77 Extreme 4, Core I7 3770, Geforce 670, 8 GB Ram, Win 10 Pro 64 bit.Game setup r3Dfx Voodoo 1-2 and start.