Twilight Struggle Solo

The galaxy is bursting with opportunities for savvy space traders to exploit, and the race to profit blasts off in Merchant of Venus. Discover new alien cultures and learn where you can get rich selling their goods in this board game of interstellar trade and exploration for 1-4 players. From your First Contact with alien cultures to the establishment of trade routes and spaceports, your quest for cash demands you keep on the move. Successful traders will quickly locate fast and reliable trade routes, timing their purchases and sales with the interest in the market.Featuring a double-sided board, Merchant of Venus offers rules for both Richard Hamblen’s classic game and Rob Kouba’s reimagined version.Space traders, get your ships ready for launch because it’s time to engage in some wild entrepreneurship! The modern wars in Africa provide a rich arena of different and unique gaming situations beyond WWII in North Africa (where most wargames have concentrated their examination of wars in Africa). Some of these wars were short affairs of a few months, while others raged for twenty years or more.

Each of these modern African wars shaped the political and military future of the continent and they are still finding their way into today’s headlines.The African Wars series provides a means for understanding these wars that shaped modern Africa and current world opinion.The Last King of Scotland, the first in the African Wars series by designer Dennis Bishop, simulates the Uganda-Tanzania War of 1978 – 1979 that ousted Uganda’s President for Life, Idi Amin Dada. With a seeming fascination for all things Scottish, Idi Amin referred to himself as the “uncrowned king of Scotland”. When Amin fled Uganda, in a sense he truly became “The Last King of Scotland.”. ZULUS ON THE RAMPARTS! Is the battle cry of those defending the Mission Station at Rorke’s Drift. It is 22 January 1879, and the British invasion column moving into Zululand was disastrously defeated that morning at nearby Isandlwana. Now, fresh troops from the victorious Zulu iMpi (army) are advancing on your position.

With your 140 British soldiers and auxiliaries, you must survive the repeated attacks of 4000+ crack Zulu warriors.This States of Siege™ game puts you squarely in command of a desperate defense. As events unfold and heroes emerge, can you build up the barricades and fill the breaches before the camp is overrun?As the Zulus relentlessly charge wielding their deadly spears and as British rifles overheat, can you keep cool and make the command decisions necessary to hold your position and repel the onrush of fierce braves until the Relief Column arrives?The Battle of Rorke’s Drift saw more Victoria Crosses awarded than any other before or since.

Toilet Struggle is a 2 player endeavor, never to be tried alone. Labyrinth comes with a bot for the jihadi side, so it's definetly a solo worthy game. You might want to check as they rate each game in 'complexity' and 'solitaire suitability'. There are also the COIN games which are actually 4 player games, but each faction in.

Can you write an equally glorious page in history as you confront these ZULUS ON THE RAMPARTS!? DesignersJoseph Miranda. 2001: The “American Century” had closed with a single Cold War superpower standing and a pause in conflict that some at the time dubbed “The End of History”. It wasn’t.Labyrinth takes 1 or 2 players inside the Islamist jihad and the global war on terror. With broad scope, ease of play, and a never-ending variety of event combinations similar to GMT’s highly popular Twilight Struggle, Labyrinth portrays not only the US efforts to counter extremists’ use of terrorist tactics but the wider ideological struggle — guerrilla warfare, regime change, democratization, and much more.From the award-winning designer of Wilderness War and later Andean Abyss, Cuba Libre, and A Distant Plain, Labyrinth combines an emphasis on game play with multifaceted simulation spanning recent history and near future. In the 2-player game, one player takes the role of jihadists seeking to exploit world events and Islamic donations to spread fundamentalist rule over the Muslim world. The other player as the United States must neutralize terrorist cells while encouraging Muslim democratic reform to cut off extremism at its roots.

With the game’s solitaire system, a single player as the US takes on ascending levels of challenge in defeating al-Qaeda and its allies.The jihadists must operate in a hostile environment — staying below the authorities’ radar while plotting terrorist attacks and building for the Muslim revolution. Will Iran’s Shia mullahs help or hinder the Sunni jihadists? Will the gradual spread of Islamist rule bring final victory — or will it be a sudden strike at the United States with an Islamic weapon of mass destruction?The United States has the full weight of its military force and diplomacy at the ready — but it can’t be everywhere: will technological and material superiority be enough? US forces can invade and topple Islamist regimes, but how will the Muslim “street” react? And if quagmire results, how will the US find its way out?Labyrinth features distinct operational options for each side that capture the asymmetrical nature of the conflict, while the event cards that drive its action pose a maze of political, religious, military, and economic issues. In the parallel wars of bombs and ideas, coordinated international effort is key — but terrorist opportunities to disrupt Western unity are many.

Twilight struggle solo

The Towers have fallen, but the global struggle has only just begun.“Let’s roll!”. Flash Point: Fire Rescue is a thrilling ride for friends and family, whether they are gamers or just looking for a good, fun time. Games are about 45 minutes, 2-6 players (solo options), 10+ years – suitable for kids of all ages with appropriate supervision and involvement. Get those kids away from their screens!Flash Point: Fire Rescue is a fully cooperative game, everyone plays on the same firefighting team – win or lose together! Every turn is filled with the tension of having to fight the fire back, rescuing victims or investigating points of interest. Players can ride the ambulance to safety or fire the engine’s deck gun in a desperate attempt to control the blaze. No two games are ever the same – and with two rulesets (family, & experienced) and 3 different difficulty levels there is a challenge to be had for all.

Wu-Feng, the Lord of Nine Hells, has discovered the village hiding the funeral urn containing his ashes. Four Taoist priests protect the village, as hordes of ghosts and demons descend on the town to reclaim the remains of their evil overlord.

Can you hold out against the forces of eternal darkness, or will Wu-Feng recover his ashes and destroy everything in his path?In Ghost Stories, the players work together as the Taoist priests attempting to turn back the tide of evil and save the doomed village. With mystical powers and ancient martial arts, the heroes will battle wave after wave of ghosts and demons until Wu-Feng himself rises to claim his remains. Working together is your only hope, as the ghosts increase in number and force the Taoist priests to sacrifice resources, time and even their very lives in this desperate battle against the hordes of Hell.Ghost Stories is a cooperative game for one to four players. With modular playing tiles and a randomized deck of ghastly foes, no two games will be alike. The cards and tiles boast fantastic illustrations inspired by kung-fu legends, and a variety of excellent plastic playing pieces will draw you into the game. Gather your forces and battle the Lord of Nine Hells in the ultimate battle of good versus evil!

In D-Day Dice, players are Allied soldiers trying to organize improvised units for an attack against a machine gun nest. Each player starts the game with a unit of a few soldiers and nothing else. As the game progresses, he will roll dice to collect resources and advance on the beach, sector by sector, as his unit grows stronger and deadlier.

He will succeed or die trying!D-Day Dice will get you right there on the beach. You will experience the fear of getting killed by enemy fire, the anguish of losing your men, and the thrill of surmounting seemingly impossible odds to accomplish your mission. And since this is a cooperative game, all players are on the same side, fighting like brothers (and sisters) in arms! This game can be played by anyone (you don’t have to be familiar with World War II) and has been enjoyed by families and wargamers alike. Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island is a game created by Ignacy Trzewiczek, the author of Stronghold. This time Trzewiczek takes the players to a deserted island, where they’ll play the parts of shipwreck survivors confronted by an extraordinary adventure. They’ll be faced with the challenges of building a shelter, finding food, fighting wild beasts, and protecting themselves from weather changes.

Building walls around their homes, animal domestication, constructing weapons and tools from what they find and much more awaits them on the island. The players decide in which direction the game will unfold and – after several in-game weeks of hard work – how their settlement will look. Will they manage to discover the secret of the island in the meantime? Will they find a pirate treasure, or an abandoned village? Will they discover an underground city or a cursed temple at the bottom of a volcano? Answers to these questions lie in hundreds of event cards and hundreds of object and structure cards that can be used during the gameRobinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island is an epic game from Portal. You will build a shelter, palisade, weapons, you will create tools like axes, knives, sacks, you will do everything you can to to survive.

You will have to find food, fight wild beasts, protect yourself from weather changesTake the role of one of four characters from the ship crew (cook, carpenter, explorer or soldier) and face the adventure. Use your determination skills to help your team mates, discuss with them your plan and put it into practice. Debate, discuss, and work on the best plan you all can make.Search for treasures. Discover mysteries. Follow goals of six different, engaging scenarios. Start by building a big pile of wood and setting it on fire to call for help, and then start new adventures. Become an exorcist on cursed Island.

Become a treasure hunter on Volcano Island. Become a rescue team for a young lady who’s stuck on rock islandLet the adventure live! It is the late 1930s, and the world is in turmoil. Humanity is on the brink of war as imperialist nations in the Far East and Europe work aggressively to expand their domination. The Nazis have taken control of Germany and now spread darkness across the globe in their hunt for powerful occult artifacts that can give them the upper hand in the days to come. Bump stock ban. But the spirit of adventure and freedom won’t be stamped out so easily.Heroic adventurers from around the world answer the call, racing against time to hunt down ancient artifacts, explore deadly temples, and fight back the powers of darkness from engulfing the world in flames.

It is a race of good versus evil, and only a cunning and agile explorer can claim the ultimate prize of Fortune and Glory!Fortune and Glory: The Cliffhanger Game is a fast-paced game of high adventure, vile villains, edge-of-your-seat danger, and cliffhanger pulp movie action. Players take on the role of a treasure hunter, traveling the globe in search of ancient artifacts and fending off danger and villains at every turn in a quest for the ultimate reward of fortune and glory!Featuring a beautifully rendered adventure map of the world as the game board, eight pulp adventure heroes to choose from (such as Jake Zane the Flying Ace, Li Mei Chen the Night Club Singer and Martial Artist, or Dr. Zhukov Master of Science), an army of ruthless villains and thugs (including the Chicago Mob and the dreaded occult-hunting Nazis), ancient Mayan temples to explore with a zeppelin hovering overhead, a wealth of coins to horde as heroes collect fortune and glory throughout the game, and a unique mechanism of dangers to overcome and the classic cliffhanger moments of suspense that can result. Fortune and Glory is designed to create a pulp serial cinematic feel as the story and game unfold.So strap on your adventure boots and goggles, fire up the engines on the seaplane, and grab some extra ammo for your revolverthe Nazis already have a head start and in this race for fortune and glory, and there’s no prize for second place! Phantom Leader places you in command of a US Air Force or US Navy Tactical Fighter squadron in Vietnam between 1964 and 1972.

You must not only destroy the targets but you must also balance the delicate political repercussions of your attacks. If you strike too hard, your air offensive might be put on hold, strike too light, and you’ll be blamed for losing the war.Welcome to the Vietnam Air War!Each of the campaigns can be played with either an Air Force or Navy squadron. The targets assigned to each service are different and change the complexion of the campaigns.

Each campaign can be played with three different durations of: Skirmish, Conflict, or War.Each mission takes roughly 30 minutes to set-up, plan, and resolve.Each of your pilots has their own skills. Selecting the right pilots and weapons for a mission is vital to its success.

As you fly missions, your pilots will gain experience and fatigue. With experience, their skills improve, but as their fatigue increases, their skills decrease and they might not be able to fly for several missions. Post navigation.

Board games on iOS and Android have been getting better and better as the years go by – from made-for-digital games like AntiHero, to digital ports of popular tabletop games like Pandemic and Ticket to Ride. We’re now enjoying a veritable cornucopia of board-based entertainment.But owning a large physical collection isn’t ideal, either in terms of space, or in having to shell out megabucks for each new experience. Also, you might have no one to play with, not that we’ve ever had that problem of course.internally weeping. But maybe you don’t want to trek through the cold to some random house or cafe, don’t want the bother of setting up the board and the pieces, or having to read the rules again.Luckily, there are plenty digital ports to choose from. That being said, it’s always a good idea to pick the best of the best, to save you trawling through the seemingly endless hoard of board games out there. It is our great pleasure to present to you with our pick of the best mobile board games for iPhone and Android.

We’re a mobile gaming website, so we’d know these things.Yellow & YangtzeThe last board game adaptation by Dire Wolf Digital in 2019 was a belter, which is not surprising considering that the source material is another one of Dr. Reiner Knizia’s classics. Is an abstract civilisation-building strategy game, where you play as a warlord in the Warring States period of Ancient China. It’s points-based, but one that has a lot more potential for direct conflict than you would typically see.Dire Wolf has done an excellent job bringing this game to life in 3D, with some elegant interfaces and beautiful graphical design. There is also a single-player campaign divided into nine stages, each with their own unique rules and victory conditions, offering a unique way to play the game, either for learning, or for trying something different.Terraforming MarsWe didn’t expect to see this one come to light after the developer went bust during the mobile beta period. Still, Asmodee Digital managed to successfully pick things up and get it out the door. It had a bit of a bumpy start, but in the weeks since, there have been improvements.The PC version of has been out a while, so there’s already been a lot of refinement already. This is one of the strongest releases we’ve seen in terms of visual design from source to software, and given how complex the rules can be, it manages to parse everything very well for the player.

Current drawbacks involve a weak AI and a lacklustre multiplayer experience. Want more tactics based picks? Give our list a look.Raiders of the North SeaThis is a victory points game, where you need to gather resources, hire yourself a crew, and go a-despoilin’. Themed on the Viking age, is a very colourful and inventive twist on the worker placement genre, where you only ever have one worker to utilise. Once played, you must then pick up another worker from the board. There are also varying grades of workers you can unlock that will do different things.Dire Wolf has expertly recreated the game in digital form. The art style is smartly complimented with 3D effects and animations, and everything runs incredibly well.

Questionable AI competency constitutes a major draw-back, but the base game is solid and there’s an excellent multiplayer system that offers both live and asynchronous matches. There is also pass-and-play local multiplayer as well. This is, for sure, one of the better board game releases of 2019.

See our for a more in-depth analysis.Through the AgesDespite the name, Through the Ages is the hot new kid on the block. Charting the rise and continued hegemony of your civilisation takes card-drafting chutzpah and attentive resource management. The app features a droll, informative tutorial and one of the best user interfaces in recent memory. Previously, to experience one of the enduring greats of board gaming, one had to wrangle together several committed friends and four or more hours for an initial playthrough.