Sakura Space Characters

She spent the next seven years operating in the eastern Pacific, reaching Alaska in the north and the Panama Canal in the south. Truxton ii. She reached Mare Island Navy Yard on 13 May, and joined the Battle Force.

Self-taught techniques based on Ryu's fighting styleSakura (春日野 さくら, Kasugano Sakura) is a character in the games. She is a 16-year-old (as of ) Japanese schoolgirl who has an intense fascination with. She has managed to copy and learn some of Ryu's techniques, but really wants him to train her personally.Sakura Kasugano typically fights in her school uniform, a short-skirted sailor fuku ( serafuku) with the collar popped and red bloomers underneath.

Sakura Space—Casual by Winged Cloud. Developer, Winged Cloud. Publisher, Winged Cloud. Platform, Linux, Windows. Due to the series's Loads and Loads of Characters, the character page had to be broken down into different sub-pages. Asagi's childhood friend and long time boyfriend. Asagi originally retired as a Taimanin just before the advents of the first game in hopes of marrying him, and living a normal.

She wears a red top under her uniform, sparring gloves, a white headband and a pair of red sneakers. Contents Story Street FighterSakura first appeared in, where she had begun to participate in street fighting after watching Ryu win the first World Warrior tournament. She was searching for him, and wished for him to train her to be a better fighter. She met up with many interesting people along the way, and eventually came across Ryu, who was still distressed over the Satsui no Hadou that had corrupted him. He told her he could not train her, as he still had much to learn himself. He sparred with her for a bit and, as he began to leave, she took a picture of him to remember him by.She was still fighting in, and decided to travel the world to find Ryu. She started off in her native Japan and fought the sumo wrestler, who mentioned Ryu was going off to such places as India and Thailand.

She also fought a rematch with her rich rival, and though Karin won the fight, she admitted Sakura was the much better fighter and had learned winning was not everything as her father had taught her. Thereafter traveling with her self-proclaimed sensei, she met his friend along the way and was promised a match with him. She continued to search the world for Ryu, eventually ditching Dan and finding Ryu's friend and rival. She commented to him how she loved to fight to better herself, and finding inspiration in those words himself, Ken and Sakura eventually found Ryu in Thailand, where he was being brainwashed. Had arrived by this time, and as Sagat took on Ryu, both Ken and Sakura took on Bison. A combination of Sakura being hurt by Bison and Sagat's urgings finally snapped Ryu out of the mind control and he forced Bison to retreat. He told Sakura again that he was not ready to train her yet, and walked off, Sakura watching him go.

She has a brother named Tsukushi and a friend named Kei, who attends the same high school and sometimes goes along on Sakura's street fighting tours.She returns in, again searching for Ryu. This time, it is heavily implied that her admiration toward Ryu has developed into a full-on crush. Her win quote against Sagat has her admitting that she understands his obsession with Ryu, adding 'isn't he just dreamy?' She also seems to have since become friends with, texting her frequently to update her on Sakura's progress through the tournament. During the tournament, she actively seeks out Ryu, eventually finding him in the S.I.N.

Sakura escapes with Ryu from the S.I.N. Building and also sees Dan and Blanka along the way.After the tournament, she and Ryu exchange goodbyes and Sakura leaves for home on the ship. Some time later, while out walking her dog, an older-looking Sakura sees Ryu approaching. What happens next is unknown.Rival SchoolsSakura made a cameo appearance in. She had no actual story show in single-player mode of the game, although she did have a proper ending after beating the final boss in the game. The in-game story established her as childhood friends with. Chronologically, this takes place before she becomes involved in the events of Street Fighter Alpha 2.After the battle with Cyber Akuma, Sakura got older and had.

'For other alternate sites, consider the impact of COVID-19 related decisions and ensure control measures are implemented to avoid site contamination,' Maurer's memo said.It's the same reason why NORTHCOM and NORAD's watchstanders are now in isolation, even from other personnel at those commands. It's not clear how long they will remain in that state in Cheyenne mountain and at the other, unnamed alternate site. The Pentagon restrictions on access to these sites are also necessary to prevent COVID-19 from penetrating into them, where it could rapidly spread and render the facilities non-functional until personnel could complete what would likely be a time consuming and costly decontamination effort. You can read more about Raven Rock and these other sites in this. Atomic space command map.

This ending is not considered canon to Sakura's story in the main Street Fighter series or other games she appears in.GameplaySakura fights in an emulated version of Ryu's fighting style. She can successfully manipulate ki and is subsequently able to perform the 'Hadouken' energy attack (however, due to her lack of training, she cannot throw it the full length of the arena like Ken or Ryu can). Unlike Ryu and other warriors from the same style, however, she can control the size of her Hadouken and throw larger Hadouken projectiles that sacrifice range and execution speed for size (up to 3 times larger).In the Marvel vs. Capcom series, she throws her Hadoukens diagonally upwards, though her 'Hiyakeshita' (literally 'Sunburned') version still throws them horizontally).In Capcom vs. SNK, she is given an energy spark instead of a traditional projectile (called the 'Hadoushou') that hits 3 times but is limited to the area in front of her hands (though her EX version lets her use her special version of the Hadouken).