Metal Slug 3 Wiki

Metal Slug 3. Twin Ohumein-Conga (only in the underwater route, these brown variants possess heavy armor and shoot acid-bubbles that float.

.(@ 12 ),(@ 4 MHz)Sound(@ 8 MHz)Display, 304 × 224 pixels (Horizontal), 4096Metal Slug 2 is a developed. It was originally released in 1998 for the arcade platform as the sequel to the popular 1996 game. It was re-released in 1999 in a slightly modified form as Metal Slug X: Super Vehicle-001 ( メタルスラッグX). It has been ported to the, and, and to the, and (as part of the ). The game added several new features to the gameplay of the original Metal Slug, such as new weapons, vehicles and the ability to transform the character. It received generally positive reviews.

One of the new weapons, the Laser, being used on the Mars PeopleGameplay in Metal Slug 2 is very similar to the previous game; the player(s) must shoot constantly at a continual stream of enemies in order to reach the end of each level. At this point, the player confronts a, who is usually considerably larger and tougher than regular enemies.

On the way through each level, the player can find numerous weapon upgrades and 'Metal Slug'. The tank is known as the SV-001 ('SV' stands for Super Vehicle), which not only increases the player's offense, but considerably adds to their defense.In addition to shooting, the player can also perform melee attacks by using a knife and/or kicking. The player does not die simply by coming into contact with enemies, and correspondingly, many of the enemy troops also have melee attacks. Much of the game's scenery is also destructible, and occasionally, this reveals extra items or power-ups, although most of the time it simply results in.During the course of a level, the player also encounters, who, if freed, offer the player bonuses in the form of random items or weapons.

At the end of each level, the player receives a scoring bonus based on the number of freed POWs. If the player dies before the end of the level, the tally of freed POWs reverts to zero.New features Vehicles and weapons Metal Slug 2 added several new weapons to the player's arsenal. A single shot from the Laser is capable of killing a column of, and sustained fire can quickly destroy vehicles. Fire Bombs found in the second level can help to clear away.


Armor Piercing Shells give the Metal Slug tank that only fire straight, but which do tremendous damage.The game also included more vehicles. Though just as susceptible to enemy fire as the Metal Slug, these vehicles provide alternate modes of transportation, with each having their own advantages. The 'Camel Slug' is a mounted on a. The rider is elevated and still vulnerable to enemy fire, but has improved movement. To help fight a boss that crawls up a tower, the 'Slugnoid' armored frame is capable of leaping great heights. Its cannon is pointed downward, to assail the enemy attacking from below. Twin Vulcan cannons provide firepower, but they are stripped each time the Slugnoid is hit.

The 'Slug Flyer' is a jet fighter which can fire powerful. It also has a Vulcan Cannon, which is designed to fire upon forward targets. Another player can 'wing-walk', or ride on top of the plane.Character transformation Metal Slug 2 also introduced the ability for characters to transform during the course of the game. The first transformation is into a mummy during the second mission. Any hit from the purple tinged attacks of the mummy-variants or potions dropped by bats will trigger the transformation. This causes a drastic reduction in player movement speed and loss of any special weapons.

Mummified characters hold only a pistol, which they fire at a rate of 50% slower than normal. Tossing a also takes longer. Players also cannot use the knife, make use of heavy weaponry or vehicles when mummified. If the player is hit by another purple mist whilst mummified, they will die. Antidotes which can restore the player to human form are hidden throughout the level, dropped by enemies and given by rescued POWs.Another transformation is the ability to become. This transformation is effected by eating too many food items during a single game-life.

Once enough food is obtained the announcer yells 'Uh-oh, big!,' and the character is radically transformed. Movement speed is slowed, and every weapon's attack is altered: melee attacks are changed from a knife to a fork (or a belt whip if sitting), grenades are changed to larger, and the current weapon is replaced with a version that has larger bullets, and its offensive properties improved (for example, the has an improved tracking ability). The player returns to regular form if a diet-powder canister is found, enough time passes without picking up any food items, or if the player is killed.Supporting characters As well as doubling the number of available player characters from two to four, Metal Slug 2 is the first game in the series to introduce in-game characters to help the player in battle. The first is Hyakutaro Ichimonji, a prisoner who, when rescued, will fight alongside the player, throwing balls at enemies, or roundhouse kicking them if they get within melee range. Another character is Sgt.

Rumi Aikawa, an army supplier who lacks a sense of direction, earning her the title 'The Wandering Ghost'; she carries a huge, overstuffed backpack and drops random items for the player to collect (more are dropped if the backpack is shot or cut).Plot Two years have passed since the end of Metal Slug, when Capt. Marco Rossi and Lt. Tarma Roving of Peregrine Falcon Strike Force defeated and apparently killed the evil General Morden, who had staged a against the worlds' governments. Since then, various factions sympathetic to Morden have been in operation, but have always been considered insignificant. Recently, however, they have begun to act in unison, and army intelligence concludes that the only way this could happen is if Morden himself is in fact still alive and is attempting a new coup. As such, Rossi (now a Major) and Roving (now a Captain) are sent to once again battle Morden. However, such is the importance of the mission, that they are accompanied by two members of the Intelligence Agency's Squad S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S.; Sgt.

Eri Kasamoto and Sgt. 1st Class Fiolina Germi.As the levels unfold, it is revealed that Morden has formed an alliance with aliens in an effort to facilitate his plans (the previous game ended with one of Morden's soldiers sending a into ). In the final mission, however, the aliens turn on Morden, attacking his troops and taking him prisoner. An alliance is formed between the Peregrine Falcon Strike Force and General Morden's army to combat the greater alien threat. After a long battle, they succeed in defeating the.

As the ship explodes (the scene reminiscent from the movie ), Morden falls to the ground, strapped to a solid iron plate. While his soldiers celebrate his survival, the plate loses its balance and crushes him.

The game ends with Rossi, Roving, Kasamoto and Germi celebrating their victory.Metal Slug X Metal Slug X. Metal Slug X screenshot.An upgraded version of Metal Slug 2, titled Metal Slug X, was released in March for the Neo Geo MVS. It fixed slowdown problems from the original game, and increased the difficulty. Metal Slug X also introduced some new elements to the game system;.

Much of the music has been remixed or altered. A new announcer. Many stages have the time of day changed. Instead of individual levels being set at either day or night, the stages can take place at, or. It is now possible for the player character to become fat by collecting food items in every stage after Mission 2; in the original game, the obese transformation was only possible in Mission 4. All levels have increased enemy count, new enemy placements, different enemy characters and new boss placements. Vehicle types and locations are different.

There are more, POWs, and items (particularly food) in each mission. These items are often hidden. Many environmental elements have different reactions when shot, such as exploding with unexpected results or randomly spewing out items or enemies. Stronger versions of the, and are available. Each deals more damage than their normal counterpart, has a different appearance and a wider (or longer) area of impact.

If the player happens to be fat while using these heavier weapons, they appear differently and can cause even more damage. Several new weapons are included:, Iron Lizard, Drop Shot, a new Golden Metal Slug, which is available in Mission 3, and the, available in Mission 4. Added Fio's death sound (In Metal Slug 2, she uses Eri's). New enemies are added or replaced, like the Mummy Dogs. The original art for is shown at the end of the game while the credits are rolling, instead of the black screen used in Metal Slug 2. Later releases Home versions of Metal Slug 2 were released for the Neo Geo AES in April 1998, and the in June 1998. The Neo Geo CD version features a 'Combat School' mode (similar to the CD-ROM based versions of the previous game) where the player can play new versions of previously-played missions with new objectives.Metal Slug X was ported to the Neo Geo AES in May 1999 and the in January 2001.

The PlayStation version was released in North America and PAL regions by and features the same 'Combat School' mode featured in the Neo Geo CD versions of the first two games.In 2006, (titled Metal Slug Complete in Japan) was released for the,. This compilation includes the original Metal Slug, and all of its arcade sequels (including Metal Slug 2 and Metal Slug X) up to.

From the original on October 12, 2018. Retrieved February 18, 2020. From the original on May 11, 2013. Retrieved June 22, 2013. Retrieved February 18, 2020. ^.

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Halloran, Michael (March 11, 2013). From the original on July 25, 2013. Retrieved August 27, 2013.External links. Bump stock ban. at. at. at.


Run and Gun Rating(s).Metal Slug is the first game in the long-running series of the same name, created. It is famous for it's simple controls and frantic action, as well as for it's elaborate sprite work and background. Its first appearance on a console was originally going to be on the, though it was canceled. Eventually it was released on the in the form of a compilation game and a title.PlotDuring the year 2028, two factions, the and the militaristic, which is led by, a renegade regular army lieutenant. The Regular Army have build an hundred of prototypes in hope of defeating the Rebellion. However, the Rebellion manage to capture most of the tanks. Two Regular Army lieutenant, and order a last counter-attack in order to regain the stolen Metal Slug.

Tanks.External links. at. at Virtual Console Reviews.