Damned Synonym

Pronunciation /damd//dæmd/

2 berate, censure, denounce, disparage, blast. SEE SYNONYMS FOR damn ON THESAURUS.COM. OTHER WORDS FROM damn.


  • 1(in Christian belief) condemned by God to suffer eternal punishment in hell. Christmas sweeper 3 app.

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    as plural noun the damned‘the spirits of the damned’
    • ‘Meanwhile Birkin slowly uncovers the wall-painting, which shows the righteous trooping smugly off to heaven while the damned dive towards hell.’
    • ‘It is the one apocalypse that is truly and completely final, offering no Rapture, no salvation of the chosen, and no punishment of the damned.’
    • ‘Christ is the Divine Judge, a still point in the vortex of the living and the dead, the elect levitating to eternal life, the damned descending into the dark abyss.’
    • ‘He described the saved rejoicing in heaven over the torture of the damned in hell.’
    • ‘These include watching people in pain - and the idea that, since hell was eternal pain, heaven would be watching the damned burn.’
    • ‘C.S. Lewis noted in The Great Divorce the peculiar desire of the damned spirits on holiday to want to * extend * hell.’
    • ‘Did it have a crew of the damned, and a Captain so evil that Hell itself spat him back out?’
    • ‘When I was a small child, I imagined that hell consisted of caves in which the damned were trapped, tortured and burnt.’
    • ‘We prefer to suffer the tortures of the damned than to accept our Godliness.’
    • ‘The cows had no way of knowing that inside this metal husk there was an author suffering the torment of the damned.’
    • ‘Dante doesn't say so, but he leaves us free to speculate that moneylenders continue to practice their trade in hell, lending money at interest to the damned.’
    • ‘But both, I think, suffered the tortures of the damned, because they worried so much about whether they were getting it right.’
    • ‘For unless I can fulfill my penance, I too will suffer the torments of the damned as revealed by the holy words of Saint John, the Divine.’
    • ‘The flames of hell are literally consuming the bodies of the damned.’
    • ‘Saint Michael advances towards the viewer, while the damned souls tumble, shrieking, into hell.’
    • ‘The saved would feast on the sight of the sufferings of the damned.’
    • ‘Christianity makes things worse by teaching the torments of the damned.’
    • ‘Section three sees the raising of the dead by the archangel, and the contrasting responses of the damned and the blessed.’
    • ‘There was power behind such eyes, power that could damn a soul or return the damned to life.’
    • ‘He rejects the ideas that hell will be emptied at the end of time and that the damned souls and demons will be reconciled with God.’
    cursed, accursed, doomed, lost, condemned to hell, execrated
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  • 2informal Used to emphasize or express anger or frustration with someone or something.

    • ‘If she is pregnant she's probably sick to death of answering useless, annoying questions, the replies to which, to be frank, are none of your damned business.’
    • ‘The State might subsidise many things in this country which are properly none of its damned business, but it in turn is subsidised too.’
    • ‘Besides, whatever I say to anybody is my own damned business.’
    • ‘Even the much lauded Henrik Larsson looks more keen on setting up than sticking the damned ball in the flaming net.’
    • ‘Did Ivan really have business to attend to every damned day or did he just have a reason for avoiding them?’
    • ‘Where the hell are all the damned commuters when you need them?’
    • ‘And there was not a damned thing she could have done to stop it.’
    • ‘Shame the experience was wasted, given that I can't remember a damned thing!’
    • ‘They're all right and it's a damned shame that they're getting such a bad press.’
    • ‘What the hell was I doing picking up my damned briefcase?’
    • ‘Christian has been stuck in that damned relationship for years.’
    • ‘I still have to sit the damned exams and suffer the ‘humiliation’ (as if I care what others think) of not doing so well.’
    • ‘Why the hell does this damned ceiling fan make this strange noise?’
    • ‘To hell with all these damned reasons, we said, they must make an effort to improve their educational performance.’
    • ‘I looked at my watch, 5: 42 pm. Perfect, where in hell is the damned plane!’
    • ‘And they say, these damned doctors can't make up their minds, to hell with them, just bring out the bacon and eggs and don't worry about it.’
    • ‘The funny thing about all this is that just last week I was having despondent ‘I've hit my peak in this damned career!’’
    • ‘If she wrecked that damned bike, he was going to torch it.’
    • ‘Since we met, has it all been one lie after another damned lie?’
    • ‘You would have to be a damned fool to miss this thing, people.’
    blasted, damn, flaming, precious, confounded, pestilential, rotten, wretched
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  • Used for emphasis or to express anger or frustration.

    • ‘she's too damned arrogant’
    • ‘she is one damned fine pilot’


    damned well
    • Used for emphasis when the speaker is angry or irritated.



/damd/Damned Synonym/dæmd/
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Inflections of 'damned' ():
adj superlative
adj superlative

WordReference English Thesaurus © 2020
Sense: Consigned to hell
cursed, condemned, accursed, doomed, unhappy, anathematized, lost, fallen, reprobate, infernal, hell-bound, gone to blazes, unfortunate, anathematised, in hell
blessed, saved
Sense: Disapproved of
bad, unwelcome, detestable, abominable, loathsome, cursed, damn, goddamned, goddamn, darned, confounded, blamed, blankety-blank, blithering, blessed, blasted, bloody, cussed, danged, goldarned, doggone, dashed, dratted, infernal, deuced, lousy, offensive, undesirable, awful, hellish, nightmarish, ruddy, goshdarned, flipping, damnable, sodding, slang, vulgar, fucking
good, welcome, desirable, favored, likable

WordReference English Thesaurus © 2020
Sense: Verb: condemn sb to hell
condemn sb to hell, send sb to hell, consign to hell, cast sb into hell, sentence, curse, condemn, doom, banish, ban, consign sb to the lower regions, condemn sb to eternal punishment, doom sb to perdition
bless, save
Sense: Verb: disapprove strongly
object to, put down, attack, condemn, censure, complain of, denounce, disapprove of, criticize, criticise, blast, tear into, spit on, slam
bless, forgive, praise, glorify, commend, complement
Sense: Adverb: very
very, extremely, really, truly, remarkably, exceedingly, bloody, damned, goddamn, goddamned, flipping, gosh-darned, seriously, absolutely

accursed - blessed - cursed - damn - damnable - darned - destined - doomed - ever - filthy - infernal - mighty - on or upon one's head - real - remarkably - reprobate - seriously - severely - unblessed - ungodly

Translations: Spanish French Portuguese Italian German Dutch Swedish Polish Romanian Czech Greek Turkish Chinese Japanese Korean Arabic

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